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Anyone See Dogville?

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Did any of you see the very strange movie called, "Dogville," starring Nicole Kidman? I tried it out last night and soon discovered that it was one of those message films in an "Our Town" stage setting. At the end, a bunch of gangsters appear on the scene, ending with a Thompson climax. I wonder if anyone could tell if those were real Thompsons.
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It was a very depressing artsy film, with a lot of old stars like lauren bacal. It was about a guy by the name of Tom Edison, who befriends Nicole Kidman. Nicole was a fugitive from the mob. The town people were quite evil, protecting Kidman from the mob, but there were lots of strings attached. Those became quite literal and eventually they chained her to a weight that she had to drag around.

There is a surprise ending about the mobsters, which I won't give away here. Over all the atmosphere was dark, depressing, and had no real location except a stage set, which represented the town. It was one of those sets you saw on "Our Town," where the houses had no walls, no trees, animals were represented by cutout drawings, etc. If you remember the Star Trek adventure where Kirk was at the OK corral, you get the idea. and there was a British sounding narration throughout the movie. And no, I'm not smoking anything. Hee!

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I wouldn't classify Dogville as an actual movie. Just because someone points a camera at something that moves, and records it on film, doesn't mean one has has made an actual movie. Basically, this is filmed "performance art". Even first year film students would do better than this.


This is a piece of pathetic anti-american EuroCrap. The Belgian dumbass who wrote the screenplay has never even been to the US, much less to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. And I'm still pissed-off that I wasted three hours of my life watching it!

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Even my liberal friends went away from this one shaking their heads. I'm still not sure of the message. I wonder if the writer was making the statement about personal responsibility and its social consequences, or should I say, social consequences of improvished America. I found it interesting that the trailor pretty much hid the fact that this was a performance piece rather than a real movie, with sets and stuff. These elitists are so good at relieving us of our evil capitalistic money. I'll bet the Thompsons were even fake. Now that's pretty low.


OK, I didn't mean to spend so much time on the movie part, so feel free to toss this thread in the "any topic" section or just let it die like a dog in a bad movie.

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