I now have 22 bolt/barrel combinations tested successfully, and expect to have the proper size barrel nuts in hand in the next few days. The modified bolts and barrel nuts will still need to have some touch-up bluing work, but I hope to be assembling the first 22 kits in the next 2-4 weeks. I will be sending individual Emails to each of the first 22 people on my original request list for you to confirm that you still want the kit, and to provide you payment information. I will also need to know how many magazines you want with each kit.
Work continues to get an additional three kits tested successfully to fill the orders on my first list. In the next 3-4 weeks, I hope to have information on the manufacture of the parts needed to complete the kits on my second list. In addition to the parts needed, one limiting factor on those kits will be the bolt/barrel match-up. I have a limited number of barrels, and I have discovered that the alignment of the installed barrels varies a bit, so I need to match each bolt to each barrel. I still expect to be able to fulfill those waiting on my second list. As these additional kits are completed, I will be contacting each person on the list via Email to verify and complete the sale.
For those who have requested additional parts, such as ejectors or extractors, I will not be selling any of those parts until I can confirm that I have enough to complete entire kits for those who have requested them. I still have you on my original list, and I do expect to be able to make those parts available, but my availability may be limited to one of each part in some cases.
Thanks to all for your patience.
The saga continues...