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Arthur Fliegenheimer

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Everything posted by Arthur Fliegenheimer

  1. Hi Ross, As the 2023 NoBuckl thread has been reanimated, checking in with my Colt Navy with NoBuckl.
  2. That Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes 1919 Schenck vs U.S. quote is stubbornly misquoted when arguments are made by those to limit the First Amendment. The quote is: "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic." The intent of the man shouting is neglected without the "falsely" context. There is also no reference to the theater capacity. The point of Holmes abstract was that speech was subject to the clear and present danger test. U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen Cardone of the Western District of Texas ruled in December 2023 that Section 922 of Title 18 violated illegal alien Antonion Sing-Ledezma's Second Amendment right to possess a firearm. This week U.S. DIstrict Court Judge Sharon Coleman of the Northern District of Illinois ruled illegal alien Heriberto Carbajal-Flores has Second Amendment rights. The motivations of these justices is not expressed but it would appear the goal is to remove the illegality portion of migrants crossing at any point along the Southern border by indistinguishing illegal aliens from American citizens and thereby affording them the same Bill of Rights.
  3. Certainly influenced those future NFA owners that saw the flick in 1971 at the theater. They call us "Boomers."
  4. Yes. The Detroit Riots were in 1967, but this photo is credited with an early 1970's time period. There was still a lot of unrest in the Detroit streets years later.
  5. Mike, Even though the 2007 "I Am Legend" had a German Shepherd featured in the story the 1971 movie rules. "Omega Man" is supposed to be set in the year 1977. Neville watching the 1970 "Woodstock" in the empty theater proved to be excellent advertising for "Woodstock," also a Warner Brothers film, and increased that film's box office. That scene also inspired "Mystery Science Theater 3000."
  6. Indeed it could. Interestingly G.H. has #4683 listed as a 1921 AC shipped to two different purchasers on 4/14/29 and 7/23/29. This was several months before the Goll letter date of November 30, 1929. The original unmarked Cutts Comp appeared in 1926 and then the Diamond Logo marked Cutts appeared in 1928. Whether AOC processing orders requesting a Cutts to be retrofitted (to a Colt TSMG in stock or one that was returned) after the Type II Cutts was available in 1928 ever installed the Type I unmarked Cutts is unknown.
  7. The George Goll November 30, 1929 letter under General Expenses: This is in reference to Fenn Manufacturing Company which has been discussed on the board. Seems they had a "special device" for attaching the Cutts to the barrel. The question was whether this was accomplished with the barrel on or off the receiver.
  8. NO: F37 Final Price $31,980 Up from the April, 2023 Morphy Auction full auto Tippmann 1919 # AL137 Final Price $27,060 https://auctions.morphyauctions.com/LotDetail.aspx?inventoryid=589238
  9. A minor point considering the deceptive auction description, but the sling is installed incorrectly as well. This is another example of a SOT not impressed with the post Maguire era ownership claiming legal ownership of the name "AUTO ORDNANCE" and "THOMPSON."
  10. Mike, ED 209 illustrated what occurs when there is a programing glitch with armed robots.
  11. Seattle P.D. officers pictured during 1934 West Coast Waterfront Strike known as Battle of Smith Cove. Two of the five Colt TSMGs ordered by Seattle P.D are held by the officers. #1753 is owned by a board member.
  12. Hollywood couldn't resist the Long security force being armed with TSMG. 1949 "All The Kings Men." These stills are from the final assassination scene.
  13. Castro with Camilo Cienfuegos entering Havana, 8 January 1959. Could it be the same Colt 1921A as in the movie?
  14. The 1959 film "Our Man In Havana" was filmed on location in Havana a couple months after Castro took power in Cuba. The scene is filmed at the Havana Biltmore Yacht and Country Club. Perhaps one of the 60 Colt 1921A TSMGs purchased from Auto Ordnance Corporation in 1921. The nervous Havana police officer reacts to Jo Morrow galloping up to the gallery.
  15. Anyone seen this circa 1922 AOC Colt TSMG advertisement? The images inside the cartridge are novel.
  16. The opening of the 1969 Italian Job shows the first of the Supercars, Lamborghini Miura, rendezvous with a bulldozer. The only glimpse of weapon is a Carcano M38 Cavalry Carbine. No wonder the foreign advertising posters featured Caine with a TSMG
  17. Not sure if this novel attempt at a Cutts Compensator has been feature on the board before. Sold for $60 at auction back in September, 2019.
  18. anjong-ni post in the 2022 thread below shows this Cutts in the A.A.S. link provided. It is still active. "Flash hider Thompson 1928 Cutts 125,00 euros.
  19. The above period illustration doesn't make clear how the brass clips are maneuvered through the swivels. Below is an excellent video illustrating how to install the Kerr NOBUCKL sling with the free floating ring on a 1917. In the comment section there is confusion about the Kerr NOBUCKL slings without the free floating ring as to how it would attach on the 1903 and 1917. Regardless of the various lengths of the short and long pieces found on the marked Kerr NOBUCKL slings, they are interchangeable between the rifles.
  20. 1919 Kerr Web Sling Advertisement. "Made in Special Sizes." This would account for the discrepancy in lengths of these slings. "Brass Fittings with Black Nickel Finish." When did Kerr discontinue these web NOBUCKL marked slings?
  21. Thanks for the pics and the measurements. And yet genuine authentic NOBUCKL marked cotton web slings (not repro What Price Glory or other repro outfits) are reported by owners in the following lengths (not including the unmarked WWII M3 TSMG Slings). Which NOBUCKL slings were issued or intended for which Model year rifle is not the concern here: Short Piece: 15" Long Piece: 46" 1/2 Short Piece: 16" 1/2 Long Piece: 51" 1/2 Short Piece: 15 1/2 Long Piece: 49" 1/4 Short Piece: 12" 7/8 Long Piece: 44" 5/8 Short Piece: 13" 1/3 Long Piece: 52 1/4 Short Piece: 13" 7/8 Long Piece: 49" 1/2 Even allowing for stretching and non standard measurement guidelines, there obviously were three different NOBUCKL cotton web sling lengths. The differences in the NOBUCKL markings also suggest the slings may be generally the same but certainly not identical. As the leather NOBUCKL has the dashes between the patent dates and the lower position of the dates on the latches, the periods between the dates may suggest these markings were of a latter NOBUCKL manufacture rather than being produced simultaneously when these web slings first appeared. As the NOBUCKL patent was initially for a saddle stirrup, pinning down the actual date may be difficult.
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