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BillyDixon last won the day on July 10

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About BillyDixon

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  1. some one should be able to tape a few pins to a piece of cardboard and first class mail it to you, whats the big problem ?, just sayn
  2. like mr johnson says, just leave it as is, dont stir up any problems for your self, just sayn
  3. these mags were repackaged for long term storage or give away foreign aid in 1957, quite common, just sayn
  4. ive shot an mg-42 that was mounted on a rool bar on a pick up truck, the cases ejected so violent the hit floor of pick up bead and bounced back up hitting the shooter, quite violent, nobody wanted to continue shooting in that mode, just sayn
  5. are these all deactivated guns in europe ? ive got a beat up one but at least i can shoot it , just sayn
  6. why dont you try shooting your carbine against 2 or 3 other carbines then i thing you might get a better feel of recoil or climb on your carbine, , does it feel like the others or does it feel fifferent ? just sayn
  7. this looks refinished, was this gun ever a dewat ? just askin
  8. hen these guns were made and used nobody gave a hoot about a scratch, and nobody imagined these guns would be around 80 years later, just sayn
  9. as far as i can rember dougs house that burned was in malibu, the shop was in an industrial park in chatsworth and was un touched, i had visited there, it was full of unfinished projects, doug didnt have any one work there, he was scared they would steal stuff, as his sight detoriated he couldnt work anymore, he moved to beleze central america with his wife ( no 2 ), he died there, so what happend to the shop in chatsworth, ii beleve it was rented, any body know more about this ? just sayn
  10. we have done a few, useing a wire EDM machine, with a custom fixture part kept cool in a tankn of water, so no warpage, about 2 hour machine time, came out perfect, just sayn
  11. these show up at every gun show, value around 100.00, just sayn
  12. i hope you have a mag loading tool ! the mag you show is a post war 30 rd converted to 20rd for realibality, just sayn
  13. i saw an unopened box of this aammo at last SAR show , guy was asking 600, it never sold, just sayn
  14. i dont see why it cant be straightend out, ill compare your phito to my originals, the after mkt ones made in india with soft metal, just sayn
  15. is this an original or aftermarket ? could it be bent back into shape ? how about a pix of the markings, just sayn
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