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Everything posted by pcmacd

  1. I bought a Colt Series 70 from a diesel mechanic years ago He had a heated fuel injector ultrasonic cleaner filled with kerosene or diesel, and thoroughly cleaned the weapon before selling it to me. It worked out the grip studs on the frame! Even being staked, they came loose. Gotta watch out for that kind of stuff. I don't suppose i would put in a slide with tritium inserts, either?
  2. There was a place for a while, in Oklahoma? That modified these Remington rifles for police with extended magazines. I don't remember details, and would appreciate being brought up to date. Can't imagine why I think the firm was in OK, but that's what I remember, correct or not. thanks. mac
  3. Well, subguns are impressive, for sure. Nothing like a Tommy Gun for clearing a room quickly? But a person hanging back with a scoped rifle, or on the scene with a precision pistol in a back corner is still an adversary to beware of? I have this sneaky feeling that a person wielding a subgun has a feeling of being invincible? It only takes one well placed shot, however, to bring things to a halt? ...
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