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Frank I.

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  1. One on GB used for 3K, I bought a Curtis Tactical, I lucked out they had one in stock!
  2. Looking for...an AWC MK9 M3 can, Yes I saw the one on GB, but 3k for a used can? A bit high. Curtis Tactical was sold. Their new production cans have a huge THUNDER CAN engraved on them ☹️ The "2-stage" look of the AWC cans looks more like the originals. If you know of an AWC can please PM me
  3. I realize this is an old thread but I have the Drawing for the driving springs, some of the info is hard to read but the OAL, number of coils etc are readable. This was an 11/43 drawing for the M3, there were probably revisions after this one. There is also a manufacturing manual for the M3A1 at the National Archives in College Park, MD. If I ever go back, I will check it. If anyone here is planning on visiting the archives, I probably have the location of the manuals; without it, you could spend months looking for them. Wire diameter .032 + - .001 Coils 67 + 1/2 Oal 13.5" - .75
  4. I realize this is an old thread but I have the Drawing for the driving springs, some of the info is hard to read but the OAL, number of coils etc are readable. This was an 11/43 drawing for the M3, there were probably revisions after this one. There is also a manufacturing manual for the M3A1 at the National Archives in College Park, MD. If I ever go back, I will check it. If anyone here is planning on visiting the archives, I probably have the location of the manuals; without it, you could spend months looking for them. Wire diameter .032 + - .001 Coils 67 + 1/2 Oal 13.5" - .75
  5. I went there in 2012, and it was packed with visitors! Same with the War and Peace show. I have not seen that much enthusiasm for museums or events here in the US, well maybe Knob Creek RIP 😪
  6. In PA we have a ROS (record of sale) part of the state background check for handguns, a copy of which is required to be kept by the FFL In PA we use the state's background system PICs, not the fed's NICS I also print the State Police background approval form and attach a copy of the dealer's FFL the gun came from.
  7. When I do a transfer or a sale I am in the habit of attaching the PA state forms (Record of Sale) any FFL license involved, and a copy of the PA background check receipt to the 4473 forms. Is attaching other (related) info to 4473s a problem with ATF? I did ask "the experts" they were not sure...
  8. On eBay, they have an inexpensive way to ship overseas from the US. You only have to pay to ship the item to a facility in Illinois, and there are no customs forms to fill out. Although there may be additional impost taxes or duty, not sure. If you are interested I will list one on eBay and send you a link. If they do charge you an outrageous shipping cost, you can cancel the order and I will refund any payment From eBay... If you're eligible, you'll be opted into the program. eBay International Shipping will become your default international shipping option when you don't offer any other international shipping services and we'll automatically add eBay International Shipping to your current listings. If you have provided self-shipping international options on your current listings and your item is eligible for eBay International Shipping, buyers will be able to choose which service they prefer. If you only want to ship with eBay International Shipping, you may need to manually update your listings to remove the international self-shipping options. For more information on how to update your listings, see our Seller Center page. We'll let you know when an item sells to an international buyer and provide you with the domestic shipping hub address. All you need to do is send your sold items to the domestic shipping hub before the estimated delivery date, and the international shipping and customs process will be managed for you.
  9. Everything you need to know about Military Thompsons is here for $39.95 (plug :- ) ) https://chipotlepublishing.com/our-books/ American Thunder: Military Thompson Machine Guns Hardcover An in-depth study of the famous Thompson submachine gun. Fielded by the United States and her allies during World War II. This is the third printing of American Thunder; the Military Thompson Submachinegun Guns. The concept of the Thompson originated during World War I, by John T. Thompson. By the time the weapon was designed and placed into production, the war had ended. Post war sales were made to a few law enforcement agencies and corporations, but some ended up in the hands of criminals, earning the gun a sinister reputation. Nearly twenty years later, at the beginning of World War II, there was a desperate need for weapons, and the Thompson was placed back in production. The submachine gun was issued to U.S. and allied military forces and helped win the war. 412 pages, color and black/white photos.
  10. I have had the same problem, you will have to file a paper Form 4. Eform 4 to a C&R is not possible at this point. The paper form 4 only took about 3.5 months to be approved.
  11. Looks like an original Swedish K sold with 20% premium for $44,280, https://auctions.morphyauctions.com/catalog.aspx?auctionid=643&sessionid=2 " Electronic NFA registry indicates “CALVARY CONSULTING” as the manufacturer. No evidence this gun was ever deactivated, and this cataloger cannot explain how this manufacturer appears associated to this gun in the NFATR. CONDITION: Absolutely superb original green painted finish. Gun could well be unissued. " Lot #2070: (N) OUTSTANDING ORIGINAL GREEN FINISH CARL GUSTAF M/45 SWEDISH K MACHINE GUN (FULLY TRANSFERABLE).
  12. I know there are several old threads on the subject, I have read all of them, because mine recently broke. Below is a description of my (unsuccessful) attempt to replace it so far. If you have replaced one, please add your comments or tips. I have several NOS ejectors in my stash, one thing I noticed is that they need to be fitted, despite the drawing (on this site) showing the width to be .210" mine were several thousands thicker, and mine would not clear the slot in the bolt until I filed it to .183" My problem is successfully "bucking" the stud on the ejector. I tried using an air-hammer along with a tool I made from a steel bar to secure the ejector in place. The air hammer successfully upset the stud, but apparently, the air hammer had too much force and I could not keep the ejector flush against the wall of the receiver. Next after Christmas ends, I will try upsetting the stud with a hammer and punch, with a helper using the tool I made to hold the ejector in place. The drawing says 'silver solder in place", I may just do that... Comments, tips etc. appreciated Happy Holidays!
  13. Dealer to C&R holder Paper form 4 Sent Sept 25 2024 approved Dec 2 2024 less than 3 months
  14. See if you can find the book on eBay, they have very inexpensive shipping rates for overseas orders. You only have to pay to have it shipped to a distribution center here in the US. and no customs forms to fill out. There are 3 editions the latest 3rd edition is a hard cover and has color pictures. If you can't find one let me know and I will put a copy on eBay for you.
  15. Here is a link to the current bidding of the NFA guns 25 pages https://auctions.morphyauctions.com/catalog.aspx?auctionid=643&sessionid=2
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