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ron_brock last won the day on July 8

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About ron_brock

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  1. Looks to be the same font used on both items too. I bet we see more rare engraved items with the same font
  2. I’m not completely on the up and up about British proof marks. Why would they not have the WD broad arrow? At first I thought the V could be that, but it clearly is not a broad arrow mark
  3. Guys, This had gotten way off topic. OP wants to sell ammo. All the dialogue about what you do and don’t shoot, etc needs to be in a new topic. Ron
  4. If you want to collect variations, you may find a 3 digit gun interesting. Markings and some features are different from later guns. Ron
  5. Excellent! I’m away at the moment or could try to help you talk through it. If you still get stuck with the book instructions, I bet you could call Len and have him talk through it as well. Ron
  6. Leoenard’s book has instructions and how to make some simple tools to aid in the process. It’s the best way to go. Ron
  7. It’s a repo, no question about it. Oftentimes verdegris forms around the cheap metal hardware forms from whatever corrosive crap they have in the cheap “canvas” material too. Now, versegris can form on old stuff too, but with the cheap repo stuff you see it occur very quickly, very severe Ron
  8. https://bid.poulinauctions.com/item.aspx?i=52741720 I would for sure inspect in person, or ask lots of questions prior to bidding. It’s a shooter, hopefully. With respect to finish or restoration, probably no finish, if it matters, and restoration would be an extensive process and you will likely have more into it than a decent gun.
  9. I have two cases, both have different handles. I provided dimensions for the one that is similar to what was posted above, but pics of both. I don’t know of the second case was replaced at one time. It has a Federal Labs sticker and felt lined inside. The handle I provided dimensions for has a smooth black interior and is marked for Illinois Police.
  10. I can get you more pics and measurements. Just let me know what you need. Ron
  11. Where did you find/get the photo? I was curious if you have a higher resolution version. The gun is a federal laboratories gas gun, but yes also a Webley. They bought surplus Webleys and nickel plated them, stamped Federal Laboratories on the stock and marketed them to law enforcement. The Michigan State Police had these and Thompsons in their inventory
  12. Thanks Dan, Added a link over in the Colt serial number forum. Any other known info on this gun?
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