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Found 19 results

  1. All, Forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong location, as I'm new to this board and this is my first post. With Dave's permission, I have inherited and have for sale an original Thompson spare parts kit, complete with spare parts, pull through thong and brush. Friend and fellow member, Sandman1957, has examined it and everything is correct. Obviously, there's a lot of knowledgeable collectors on this site so please examine the photo's thoroughly for yourself. After researching the rarity of this kit and a few past sales of similar condition, I'm asking $5,000, obo. Pictures are attached. My contact information is below. Thanks, Jim Marsal Greenville, NC 252-378-5184 marsal2424@hotmail.com Auto-What?
  2. I thought this was noteworthy to post. What do you guys think? https://gunspot.com/listings/detail/3699/historic-pair-1921-thompsons/ Good stuff IMO.
  3. For anyone looking for a Colt for sale. Check this out on GB. Link below: https://www.gunbroker.com/item/922637915
  4. See New Updated Post. This post is done. Hi All, I am looking to buy some Tommy Gun Parts for a Colt 1921 Tribute Tommy Gun that I am making. See list below: 1. Lyman Sight 2. Cutts Compensator Front Sight and Pin 3. Slide Stock Assembly - Prefer Savage or NOS 4. Colt Nickel Oiler - Original Dull Nickel Finish Only for 1921 Thompson - NO WWII Brass Oilers 5. Thompson Spare Parts Kit - Prefer Original, but will consider Gordon Herigstad Reproduction 6. FBI Hard Case - No Reproductions / Prefer Authentic Or Close To Authentic 7. 1921 Colt Thompson Wood (Original Only / No Reproductions - All three pieces Pistol, Front Grip, and Butt Stock If the item has a strike through it indicates I no longer need it. If anyone has these parts, please PM and let me know what you have so we can discuss price. I am open as I really want to get these parts collected so I can get the gun made. I know the market is drying up and I have been searching everywhere. I am in no rush, but I am trying to get as far as I can. I will only pay by Credit Card. Please if you are going to send me a pm, please respond back if not then do not bother. I am only interested in parts in the list ONLY. Thank you in advance.
  5. I was looking around for parts for my Tribute Gun and well I came across this Colt 1921 Lower and I bought it. It is number 9283. It does have a little part missing, but it is repairable. I think it was the find of the year. Now if I just find the rest of it. What do you guys think about it?
  6. I acquired this oilier in the lot I purchased and all the black paint has flaked off so I ended up cleaning it all off as it was just getting all over the place. It looks to be a Brass Oiler under the paint. Do you guys think this is real / authentic to the time period of the 1921? I am learning about these guns and have some information on these oilers, but not quite sure as I am not able to locate any markings on it from what I have read on this forum. Thank you guys!
  7. Greetings All, A Morphy Auction today had two 1921s sold. The one that was described as refinished fetched 30k incl buyer 20%. The original 1921 got $54,000. I think that's encouraging.Maybe prices are on the rise. As an aside, two commercial M2s, a nice plainfield with telescoping stock was $6,600 and a universal enforcer 9" barrel (no stock) was $6,000. I would take the plainfield GI compatible any day. There were 6 MP40's, one grease gun $22,800,
  8. Hopefully one of the members here snagged this one. It looks like SN 54 or 54X from what I can tell. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/790460300
  9. Have No Knowledge of this Seller Nor The Gun But Thought it may be of Interest to the group. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/782838709 Suggestion to All Members- when doing a link to a Auction:gunbroker etc. , that link will expire 90 days or so after the auction. For purposes of posterity, i loaded the pictures into imageshack, a hosting service. Then i pasted the links in Forum Code into this thread. Then the pictures are big compared to a picture from your desktop and they will remain in this thread for posterity. If you want to know how to do that, send me a PM. Took me a big 5 minutes! Looks all original but percentage of finish is disappointing Lower is discolored and both show lots of wear. I wonder what it would appraise at??
  10. Hello All, I was fortunate to acquire Serial 12020 which spent its entire Life in Georgia, mostly with a police department. Has a One Piece Actuator, which TD says is Correct.
  11. I was Fortunate to Recently Acquire a 1921 Under 1000 with All the Early Features. Its Not Mint Mint But Not a Beater. It Has The Correct Internals, Best I Can Tell. I Honestly Am Not Good On Wood, So I Dont Know How to Tell If the Wood is Correct or Not
  12. Bought this at a auction of a local vet. It looks like an unmarked Russo case. It has obviously seen some hard use, if it could talk. This came in a box with some other stuff that I wanted for my M1. Any idea what its worth. It has a battle field affected repair on the flap with a steel probably foreign replacement pin. I had it looked at by a local guy that authenticated that and several other items but he would not give a price as he had only every seen one, the one he was holding. There is numbers under the flap that correspond to something, gun?,motorcycle?GI?. The bag is approximately 24” long. Just trying to get a ballpark value.
  13. Hi everyone, after a 20-year quest, at least I found my Colt model ! Matching numbers # 11848, de-mil at new European specifications, The gun is welded close, but as you can see the receiver is not cut bold is moving, Seymour WWII drum magazine. Let me know if you want specific details or photos
  14. There have been several posts recently regarding COLT Parts and values. Want to try and circle the wagons a bit. From what I have seen COLT Parts do not normally come up often and when they do they don't stay around long. I have as complete of a set as I have seen, got it from COLT Chopper. He got it from the PD. For aguments sake, the complete parts kit should be worth around 10 -12K depending on who wants it. I have never really seen how adding up the parts get to this number. Let's take a stab at it. One recent "good" comment I saw was when you have the entire parts kit, then the provenence of the barrel isn't in dispute. What would be the price range for these parts individually" 1- Rear stock complete with all metal 1a -- buttplate with screws (no wood) 1b -- Stock locking assembly complete with screws (no wood) 2 - Rear pistol grip with screw 3 - Vertical foregrip with screw 4 - Barrel with ring sight and cross pin 5 -1921 COLT Actuator (keyhole ears light actuator) 6 - COLT BOLT complete 7 - Colt unmarked blish lock 8 - 1921 two piece spring / buffer guide with spring 9 - Entire lower assembly with wood grip 10 - stripped lower assembly This is for establishing bookends of COLT values as of DEC 2017. My parts kit isn't for sale (at this time). Cheers Sandman1957
  15. I would like to give a tip of the cap to one of our great members, Sandman1957, for paying great service to the colt thompson. Not many current videos demonstrate the difference between the rates of fire of the 1921 and 1928. Did a brief history, overview and some shooting. I am proud to own a few of these bad boys now and honored to be his friend. Enjoy! Beat Army, Beau PS - Sandman has three more videos coming out on some more cool things in his collection.
  16. Greetings, My name is Michael Phelps and I am new to the forum. I have a project in the works. I want to recreating a 1921 Colt Thompson for use in my WWII reenactments. I have an order placed with Philadelphia Ordnance for one of their high-quality Colt receivers. I am considering using serial No. 12087 (My birthday). I also want the gun to be marked with "U.S. Navy" 1928 Overstamp. I have been reading "American Thunder: The Military Thompson Submachine Guns" by Frank Iannamico." i found a copy at my local antique bookstore and have not been able to put it down. I understand these were issued commercially and to law enforcement. Would it have been possible for a Navy Overstamp to make it's way from a Marine outfit in the Pacific to the ETO? Were Navy Oversterstamps marked liked 1928's (1928A) (1928AC) (with/without compensator). Does anyone have any high quality photos of such a gun? I want to show my local gunsmith and demonstrate the proper rebuild marks I wan him to engrave. Are there any other markings besides "JHB" I should know about for a gun with this number? What about the Thompson bullet logo? I understand there are two types of Auto-Ordnance logos for early/late 1921's. What about square versus rounded actuator slots? My late serial number should be rounded right? Thanks!
  17. Wanted to share a pic of my Colts, excuse my sorry photography. I'm trying to learn. Top one has a neat history, owned by known mobsters in East St. Louis then went to the St. Louis PD. If only it could talk! The bottom one was a Montana Prison gun. They ain't much but I'm proud of them. Both have cut down 28 actuators and Savage bolts in them for shooting, don't want any miles on the Colt Parts.
  18. What do y'all run for internals? Do you run the original Colt parts? Or do you run 1928 parts? Or do you use modified parts from PK or others?
  19. Hi Fellas, I know this could apply to the FA side of the switch but being a SA owner only I decided to put it here. I don't know if this will be a duplicate topic but I have not searched all of the archives yet to see if there is info in here about these. the way I got turned on to loaders like this was watching an old video of one of the Ta Ta Shows. There was like a 1/2 second flash of one of these in use. I'll bet I watched that stupid clip over 50 times to make sure I got the full concept on how to make one of these. I did say make because I did make the following. Partially due to not being able to find anyone who produces them and partially due to me liking to make my own things if I can. Though marked to take 15 rounds it will actually hold and load 20 at a time. I'm not sure how much interest there is in these but I know how long mags take to load and anything to make it quicker appeals to me. I can only imagine how many more mags a FA owner could go through on a range day... That being said if there is interest enough in these I might make some to sell on Gun Broker since I lack the Member status to sell them here. Please tell me what you think. Thanks Jon Here's a YouTube link of it in action: Now on to the pics:
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