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Found 17 results

  1. I am looking for an M1 / M1A1 Bolt that someone might that has is junk and they no longer need it. I need it for a dummy gun project. I had good luck with the 1928 Bolt I was looking for so I am looking to see if anyone has one for sale that they no longer need or can use in a TSMG. Please PM me and let me know what you have with price. Thank you
  2. Hello All: My Favorite Auction House (Morphys) will have a Treasure Trove of Thompsons in their Upcoming Auction, December 6-8. https://auctions.morphyauctions.com/catalog.aspx?auctionid=593 There will be 7 Colts, 1 West Hurley, Two 28a1s, and one M1a1. Also there are 8 Reisings and 6 of them have Cases !! I only wish I had Unlimited Funds!! This is an Buyer's Opportunity IMO. Direct any Questions to John Keene,Master Sergeant ,USA Retired. He is Both a Firearms and NFA Specialist. I Value my Relationship with John and Have always Found Him to be a Wealth of Information and most Importantly Very Honest and Ethical. I have referred a Few People to Morphys and these Consignors were Thrilled with Results
  3. I have a 1928 / M1A1 Motorcycle Scabbard that I am unsure of the value. I know it is authenticate based on my research and the markings it has on it. Anyone have any idea what this item is worth? Thank you in advance.
  4. I have a 1928 / M1A1 Action Cover that I am unsure of the value or if it is rare or not. Anyone have any idea what this item is worth? Thank you in advance.
  5. My Thompson M1a1 appears to be missing the Mag Catch Spring since it flops around SO, Two questions : It was there to begin with. How did it come out? Next when i try to replace it, Does the pivot plate and the the other parts come out in order to get the mag catch out? Thanks Haris
  6. Hello Guys, I have a Savage Buttstock this is all NOS and it comes with the Swivel Assembly with "Y" mark stamped on it and screw kit (Not pictured) and Butt Stock Screw Kit (Not Pictured)(No Butt Plate Included). I want $100.00 dollars or best offer plus shipping and you pay 3% Credit Card Fee. Please send me a PM if you are interested in making a purchase. I did get permission from David. Thank you. No longer for Sale.
  7. Hello All: I sold my receiver that has a folding stock to a member who wanted just the lower Now I am left with a folding mechanism that will go on any m1 or m1a1 lower Use my AR pistol grip or your thompson wooden pistol grip Be the only one to have a paratrooper M1a1 !! $175 shipped Below is what it looks like on a gun
  8. Hello All: New Issue ! I have a M1 Thompson with a M1 bolt in it. It is Stamped M1 and a smaller A1 stamped next to it so that anyone can tell the A1 was added.Is this a M1 or a M1a1? I also own a M1a1 thompson with a M1 bolt in it. If I want to swap bolts, is there anything I should be concerned about? Thanks
  9. Hello All: I havent shot enough rounds for scoring purposes but as one who owns both a 1928a1 and a M1a1, I find the 28 with its weight and rate of fire is more controlleable than a m1a1. My Pact Timer is not back from being repaired but I plan to shoot both guns and report back here what the rates of fire are. Even though I havent scored my targets ; the ones that i shot with my 28 are definitely better. I also dont use the peep sight but use the little notch on the top of the sight. I would like to hear from all of you who have shot both the top cockers and side cockers what your take on this is. Thanks
  10. Hello all! David gave me permission to post an ad on this board. I promise I'll make whatever donation is normal for posting an ad. I'm working on posting an ad on Sturm as well but there is a problem with my account that we are working on. Anyways, here is the ad: C&R Thompson M1A1, serial number 737328. On Form 5 Very good condition. Runs flawlessly. Price includes shipping to your SOT or -03 ffl. 3-day non-firing inspection period allowed and if not as advertised, you can return for full refund of purchase price, minus shipping cost (you pay return shipping and insurance). Following accessories are included: 3x30 round mags The Thompson is from my father’s estate. He was a serious collector and this Thompson was one of his favorite pieces. $20,000, USPS Registered Mail shipping included. 50% down will get paperwork going, balance due prior to shipping. Funds must clear prior to shipping. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at PoormanaREMOVETHIS@hotmail.com. Additional pics on request. First definite “I’ll take it” gets it. Not interested in trades at this time. LTC Andrew Poorman (ret) Portland, Oregon
  11. Thought this would be interesting to share. The Captain Miller Thompson from Steven Spielbergs Saving Private Ryan film will be up for grabs at UKs PropStore auction at the price of what a full auto Tommy will run you. It appears to have been converted from a real Thompson to fire blanks. Lots of photos available on their website. https://bit.ly/2kw8uTK
  12. Hello everyone, I'm interested in acquiring an M1A1 rear sight with the protective sides thats in good condition to match the Thompson its going on. Im fairly new to this board and would happily accept some advise on where to find one or who to speak to. If anyone has a rear sight for sale, please feel free to send me a message. Much appreciated!
  13. I've had a TM1 Thompson Carbine by Khar since 2016 and I only recently sent in a Form 1 to SBR it. The Form 1 is approved, but I still haven't gotten a barrel for it yet or figured out who I want to help with the barrel swap. I just had a quick question as to what barrels are compatible with it or which ones would be the best for an accurate Thompson M1A1 reproduction? I also thought I heard that Khar changed the threads on their barrels so that they will not work with USGI barrels. Is there a difference between a barrel for a semi-auto Thompson vs. a full-auto Thompson? Any help would be appreciated.
  14. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/781938891 Dont Know the Seller Nor the Gun.If its Mechanically sound, 10k is a bargain. Its not Original, Barrel is from a 28, Its been refinished and As TD pointed out to me the Outside of the Ejector looks like its gone. Still Awfully low priced for a Auto Ordnance WW2 Gun.
  15. How many m1/m1a1 owners here prefer the m1a1 bolt over the moving firing pin in the m1 bolt?
  16. I have been trouble shooting my M1 West Hurley for a while. The seller reported the gun was re-finished (parkerized and GI parts) in the 1990s by a smith named Gerald Macdonald of Selma AL. Supposedly ran perfectly, with the “Hurley bugs” worked out. Upon receiving the weapon I found all parts were GI except the barrel, upper, lower frame, and magazine catch. The gun suffers from fail to fire (light or no primer strikes) on occasion. This is worse with certain magazines. Semi mode suffers from these failures more often. Admittedly some of this could be from shooter inexperience with open bolt guns, but it seems to happen enough where I suspect the bolt is getting an abnormal amount of friction some where. I have been slowly replacing parts in an effort to find the problem. The gun came with a GI M1A1 savage bolt. A M1 bolt did not solve the problem. A NOS recoil spring (notably about an inch longer than what was in the gun) did not help. I replaced all the lower parts. The bolt used to get stuck forward in semi mode, a new rocker seemed to have fixed that issue (of note is the old rocker had a lot more “slop” to it – the old one was GI. The new one is more solid so the old must have been worn). I finally picked up a GI mag catch and had it parkerized to match the gun. I replaced the catch (and learned that catch spring is a pain to remove) and found the mags now sit higher in the lower, and the mags will not seat when the gun is assembled. The WH mag catch appears to have some filing around the catch protrusion so I suspect this was hand filed to make the mags seat reliable. Below I have included some recorded dimensions in hopes that someone with more experience could confirm if my GI mag catch is within tolerance. I think the problem might be the mag catch hole location in the WH lower. Last year while trouble shooting at a local shoot, board member “mnshooter” allowed me to try using the M1 complete GI lower from one of his guns. That lower functioned flawlessly with my WH upper (and the mags seated reliably). If anyone has a stripped GI M1 lower I would be interested in purchasing it. Sending to PK is on the radar if I can’t get this going on my own, but I think I am close to the remedy. Here are some pics of related dimensions, taken with a dial caliper (comparing WH to GI catch): http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/kb0uxv/lower%20hole_zpsrolfhbl5.jpg http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/kb0uxv/LATCHES_zpssdzha1q0.jpg http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/kb0uxv/LATCHES3_zpsiawmekao.jpg http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/kb0uxv/LATCHES2_zpsnbj5yevl.jpg
  17. Hi all. Welcome to the new world of lost rights. See how some bad seeds can ruin it for a whole country! Well I am looking for a complete M1 semi automatic lower unit complete. Without paying an arm and leg, or my first born. Any ideas where I can get one? Thanks
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