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Found 10 results

  1. Looking to purchase a USGI drum for my 1942 Savage M1928A1. I am not looking for a safe queen, just a shooter. Please reach out with what you have. Thank you, Dave.
  2. Have 4 Seymour Thompson mags. 1 20 rounder, and 3 30 rounders. Theyre in used condition. No rust or major pitting. Finish is pretty worn. Looking to get $24/ea with you paying shipping. I have a bunch of Thompson mags and dont shoot often enough to justify having so many. I have plenty more and you could probably convince me to let more to as well... Thanks everyone Rob
  3. Hi All, Could someone post some photos of a GG 9mm magwell adapter? The reproductions don't appear to be very accurate. (U shaped strip of sheet metal.) I've a friend with an M3. We have gathered up all the parts except the magwell adapter. With these plastic printers it should be pretty easy to model up the adapter if I knew what it looked like. I could guess but the picture is worth a 1000 guesses BTW, the 9mm GG must run at really low RPM. Looking forward to some trigger time. Thanks, Grasshopper
  4. PLEASE READ ENTIRE POST Bid is @ $350 Pictures Below So I finally have completed loader No. 100. Its been a 4 year road to get to this point and its been extremely fun to make all of these and talk with all of you. I have made these in several species of Maple, Walnut, Cherry and Cocobolo. I wanted to make this one different than any other and I think I've accomplished that goal. This one is made of Leopardwood inlaid with Ebony in the compensator. The bullet markers on top are the original Aut-Ord-Co shape hand inlaid with Birdseye Maple. The Side inlays are the later Thompson Bullet hand shaped and inlaid in Birdseye Maple and further inlaid with Ebony lettering of "NO 100" Showing that you have a one of a kind loader. Also burned into the bottom is my logo the year and No 100. AUCTION DETAILS So right off I will say that 15% of proceeds from this auction will go straight to the boards as a donation. I could not have accomplished this without Mr. Albert and this great site!! The auction Will go as follows: Beginning as of posting the auction will be openOpening price is $250Bids can be public OR private. If you want to private bid send me a PM with a bid amount and I will post in publicly without a name attached. For public bids simply post your bid below in the thread. Auction will close on Tuesday December 10th @ 6:00PM PST. OR Should I allow more time? Like till New Year's Day?? Whoever has the high bid at that time will have won the Loader. YES.... I DISCUSSED THIS WITH DAVID AND HAVE HIS PERMISSION Happy Bidding!! I cant wait to see who ends up with this. You will not be disappointed!! Thank you guys again for all the support the past 4 years!!!!
  5. I was referred here by a friend. He said maybe you guys can help me out. I have what I believe is to be one of only a few known in existence V for Victory marked Sparks-Withington manufactured Thompson Submachine gun magazines. Can anyone tell me more about this please. Also what is something like that worth? Thanks guys New member Cody!
  6. I have been trouble shooting my M1 West Hurley for a while. The seller reported the gun was re-finished (parkerized and GI parts) in the 1990s by a smith named Gerald Macdonald of Selma AL. Supposedly ran perfectly, with the “Hurley bugs” worked out. Upon receiving the weapon I found all parts were GI except the barrel, upper, lower frame, and magazine catch. The gun suffers from fail to fire (light or no primer strikes) on occasion. This is worse with certain magazines. Semi mode suffers from these failures more often. Admittedly some of this could be from shooter inexperience with open bolt guns, but it seems to happen enough where I suspect the bolt is getting an abnormal amount of friction some where. I have been slowly replacing parts in an effort to find the problem. The gun came with a GI M1A1 savage bolt. A M1 bolt did not solve the problem. A NOS recoil spring (notably about an inch longer than what was in the gun) did not help. I replaced all the lower parts. The bolt used to get stuck forward in semi mode, a new rocker seemed to have fixed that issue (of note is the old rocker had a lot more “slop” to it – the old one was GI. The new one is more solid so the old must have been worn). I finally picked up a GI mag catch and had it parkerized to match the gun. I replaced the catch (and learned that catch spring is a pain to remove) and found the mags now sit higher in the lower, and the mags will not seat when the gun is assembled. The WH mag catch appears to have some filing around the catch protrusion so I suspect this was hand filed to make the mags seat reliable. Below I have included some recorded dimensions in hopes that someone with more experience could confirm if my GI mag catch is within tolerance. I think the problem might be the mag catch hole location in the WH lower. Last year while trouble shooting at a local shoot, board member “mnshooter” allowed me to try using the M1 complete GI lower from one of his guns. That lower functioned flawlessly with my WH upper (and the mags seated reliably). If anyone has a stripped GI M1 lower I would be interested in purchasing it. Sending to PK is on the radar if I can’t get this going on my own, but I think I am close to the remedy. Here are some pics of related dimensions, taken with a dial caliper (comparing WH to GI catch): http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/kb0uxv/lower%20hole_zpsrolfhbl5.jpg http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/kb0uxv/LATCHES_zpssdzha1q0.jpg http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/kb0uxv/LATCHES3_zpsiawmekao.jpg http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag143/kb0uxv/LATCHES2_zpsnbj5yevl.jpg
  7. (Posted in both forums with permission) Sold Out. I don't know when I'll do more yet. I am almost always up for custom ones. PM me with your name and email if you want to be put on the wait list. Thanks, Jon These are hand made out of semi-figured hard maple with the comp. vents and barrel inlaid with black walnut. They will do up to a 20 round load into a mag but are more designed for 15 rounds. Selling these for $108 each which includes shipping and insurance anywhere within the US. For outside USA I'd have to check pricing. If you would like one customized with lettering or one made out of a different or figured wood it would cost more depending on the request but I AM willing to do custom stuff. For payment I prefer PayPal but will take Money Order or Cash through the mail. If I have none available and you want to be put on a list please PM me with a personal email or phone number so I can get a hold of you after I make some. I have had several on the list that miss out due to not logging in to the board for months at a time. If you are on the list I will give notification when I have some ready. I give one week from notification until I put it up for grabs if I get no response. Thanks, Jon Comparison to Hand Loading Video Here: Super Slow-Mo Video Here: Current As Of 3/30/18 Here is my personal one (Not for sale) along with one I did for member azboater as an example of custom work. Mine is made from red quilted maple his is high figure black walnut.
  8. (Posted in both forums with permission) Sold Out I don't know when I'll do more yet. I am almost always up for custom ones. PM me with your name and email if you want to be put on the wait list. Thanks, Jon These are hand made out of semi-figured hard maple with the comp. vents and barrel inlaid with black walnut. They will do up to a 20 round load into a mag but are more designed for 15 rounds. Selling these for $108 each which includes shipping and insurance anywhere within the US. For outside USA I'd have to check pricing. If you would like one customized with lettering or one made out of a different or figured wood it would cost more depending on the request but I AM willing to do custom stuff. For payment I prefer PayPal but will take Money Order or Cash through the mail. If I have none available and you want to be put on a list please PM me with a personal email or phone number so I can get a hold of you after I make some. I have had several on the list that miss out due to not logging in to the board for months at a time. If you are on the list I will give notification when I have some ready. I give one week from notification until I put it up for grabs if I get no response. Thanks, Jon Comparison to Hand Loading Video Here: Super Slow-Mo Video Here: Current set as of 3/30/18 Here is my personal one (Not for sale) along with one I did for member azboater as an example of custom work. Mine is made from red quilted maple his is high figure black walnut.
  9. Hi Fellas, I know this could apply to the FA side of the switch but being a SA owner only I decided to put it here. I don't know if this will be a duplicate topic but I have not searched all of the archives yet to see if there is info in here about these. the way I got turned on to loaders like this was watching an old video of one of the Ta Ta Shows. There was like a 1/2 second flash of one of these in use. I'll bet I watched that stupid clip over 50 times to make sure I got the full concept on how to make one of these. I did say make because I did make the following. Partially due to not being able to find anyone who produces them and partially due to me liking to make my own things if I can. Though marked to take 15 rounds it will actually hold and load 20 at a time. I'm not sure how much interest there is in these but I know how long mags take to load and anything to make it quicker appeals to me. I can only imagine how many more mags a FA owner could go through on a range day... That being said if there is interest enough in these I might make some to sell on Gun Broker since I lack the Member status to sell them here. Please tell me what you think. Thanks Jon Here's a YouTube link of it in action: Now on to the pics:
  10. Hi, The serious collectors might know....If you have a sealed box that says: MAGAZINE ASSEMBLY GUN, U.S. CARBINE CAL. .30 MA. ORD. DRWG. & PC. MK. - B - 212603 SNL. NO. B - 28 CODE INDEX NUMBER - 01- 00260 QUANTITY - 100 ROCK-OLA MFG. CORP. The box likely contains 100 carbine magazines. The quandry lies in what to do with the box. Is there any benefit to keeping the box sealed? Will it adversely effect the value if I open the box to look at one of the magazines? Thoughts? Leave it sealed or is it time to open the time capsule. Thanks in advance, Grasshopper
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