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Question About Nfa Trust And Sbrs


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For those knowledgeable about NFA Trusts, I have a question for you. I just created my NFA trust using a law firm in TN. I have transferred a SBR semi Thompson into the trust. It was previously built and registered on a form 1 in 2003, but recently transferred into the trust on a form 4. My lawyer felt that I should re-engrave the barrel with the trust name. However, that doesn't make sense to me, since I am not making a new firearm, but am only transferring one into the trust. Do you think that this question needs to be pursued further, by contacting the BATFE? Thanks
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Have to agree with The Lone Ranger on this. From your Form1 whatever is in block 4a goes in block 4a of Form 4.

If you are still uncertain after reading the directions on each form call the ATF.


My .02 cents



Edited by Joe H
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Have to agree with The Lone Ranger on this. From your Form1 whatever is in block 4a goes in block 4a of Form 4.

If you are still uncertain after reading the directions on each form call the ATF.


My .02 cents





I further agree.......keep the original form 1/2 as clean as it was first submitted. Lawyers love to complicate things (for their own gain). KISS (keep it simple ......)

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