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Need Help Identifying a Non Firing Thompson

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What you have there is the Japanese manufacture "Model Gun Corporation" 1921 Thompson Submachine gun. I'm not sure of the year spread or manufacture and import dates. It has been altered somewhat/changed from how it was originally sold. Back around 1975, I conned my Dad into buying me one of these for the unheard and outrageous price of $75.00. As originally sold, it came in a nice box in the "1921A model configuration" (vertical front grip and standard blade front sight, with a 20rd box magazine) The compensator front sight came with it in the box separately as an option for the owner to install. The horizontal front grip was a separate order option from a catalog, it did not sell with that grip. Obviously someone changed it and also added the compensator/sight. The drum mag is also a separate catalog order option.

The condition of your model gun is very very good, I've seen these things sell for a pretty penny on various auction websites on the rare occasion they show up. Enjoy it, There is no telling how many enemy I killed with my tommy throughout the neighbor hood with mine back in the day.

- Gotta pass this story; when I was in middle school down in the Seminole Florida area, we were studying World War Two history. It ended the semester with each student bringing in magazine articles, Grandpa's pictures and letters, artifacts of World War Two to be displayed in the main auditorium glass cabinets for a week for all the rest of the schools students to observe. Well I had this Thompson model gun as above. I asked the teacher if I could bring it, and being the times, of course I could! The good part - I carried it to the school bus, got on with no issues. The driver said is that fake and I said yes, no concern thereafter. I got off at school, walked through the halls during the crowd! No screaming or running or psycho panic, just a lot of "that's very cool"! It was the hit of the display!

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You can probably get $400-$500 for it. I have one in much more worn condition. They fire a special type of blank cartridge. If you look in the chamber area, you will see what looks sort of like a firing pin facing back towards you. It is designed to ignite a primer compound that is filled in the front end of special blank cartridges. They do not fire any type of projectile, but they can fire the special blanks in full auto.


David Albert


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Most of these non guns were originally sold as just a looker, to handle, admire or use as movie props etc. Later (and I couldn't tell you when) in the production run they made a group that fired a special blank, how many I don't know, but most of them were incapable of firing anything.

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29Threenactor, This is not my item nor do I have any connection, FYI as asked, a link provided to a current EBay auction for the same Model gun Thompson. It's getting up there!



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Many of these guns were deactivated to not allow firing. If you look in the chamber, there will be a solid block that is installed in the barrel. Usually you can see a pin in the bottom of the receiver that holds the block into the chamber. Many times the bolt is defaced or machined away at an angle as well. Not sure why they deactivated these, but it did happen. I'll try to get a picture of mine over the weekend to explain what I mean.


As David mentioned there is an earlier style that has a long pin in the chamber that fires the cap internally. Another later type fired the cap from the rear (much like a live round).

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