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Ever seen a M1 or M1A1 with a Lyman sight?

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No Lyman site was ever in the Nam.. I fought the battle of duck-tow and smell my foot ridge.. and not one Lyman ever came down that hill, and I still love the smell of Napalm in the morning. R.DUVALL



however the staff SGT Thompson,support company h&s Battalion, that was his real freaking name rotated back to the world, and left the first Lt. his 28, said he did not want to take the chance bringing it back in 71,since most all Marines had pulled out by then.. and being a five month short timer all my butt wanted to do was get freaking home, and smell that fresh golden triangle pine. maybe he was dinky dau.. wait no man i'm havin a freaking flashback.. Charlie in the wire..Frenchy packing claymore's..get to the choppa's..


okay i'm stable again... yes they had m1 and m1a1 never seen a Lyman on one.


Ron former Nam era "police action" un-accounted for U.S.M.C. Veteran 1968/74...............Full Metal Jacket said it all..

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buzz, on 10 Apr 2014 - 19:50, said:

Somebody told me they saw a picture of a Navy swift boat sailor in Vietnam with a Thompson sporting a Lyman.


I did a search but I couldn't find anything on it at all.

was it John Kerry? I had to just had to....
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Well it's not such a big deal.


I very highly doubt something like that came from the factory.


But it seems like a reasonable field type upgrade. Why not?


If I saw a picture of some random navy guy holding an M1 with a lyman sight on it, I wouldn't think anything of it.


I've seen all kinds of weird stuff, like for example a garand with the buttstock hacked off and mounted in the door of a chopper.

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how about a Garand and a guys head hacked off mounted in the door of a chopper. thats a sight you won't soon forget.



hey if we can't have fun with this stuff then it gets really boring.. and you go down the local bar tease a few chick's. and in the morning you wake up and start all over. that might be a movie soon. R.K.

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I know of an M1 with a Lyman rear sight on it.


I'm suspecting that the swap was done by the police dept. that owned it for many years.


It's not a big deal, the present owner could swap back on a NOS M1 sight for low cost if he wanted to.


Then I mentioned the topic on here and kicked off this load of slap happy BS.

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My WH M1 came from the factory with thier adj sight on it in '86 at my request. Replaced it with a Lyman when the WH slide broke in two a few years later . Kept it that way through 3-4 rivet pull outs . Couple / three years ago I replaced it with an original winged Lyman when I had it redone .


Actually , now that I think of it , ALL M1s had Lyman sights on them....some winged , some not .... :happy:


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Buzz we always have fun here no matter what the post response or answers we seem to get, and I now see we have a nice pic of the barest Lyman site ever put on a Thompson, I always liked the blade style on them. but heck they snagged up in bad brush and Jungle. but you had a more greater disaster when you hung up the canteen. good pic. we needed that


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Yep, we can seem like a salty old bunch here...and maybe we are. BUT as Respected Ron says we have fun here and heck over 11,000 topics posted so far. Lots and lots of great information. Plenty of facts, great history, updates, and...dare I say...slap happy BS. It's all part of it.


So maybe read each reply or post twice :happy: We aren't here to "flame" anybody.

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