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The Thompson Collectors Association (TCA) - How to Join

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The Thompson Collectors Association (TCA) began in 1990 as a small group of collectors who were interested in meeting other collectors to share information on the history and operation of the Thompson Submachine gun. Today the TCA has members around the world. We publish a quarterly newsletter containing articles written by members on topics ranging from gun variations to parts, magazines, accessories, paperwork, photos, displays, museums, markings, movie posters and periodicals featuring Tommy guns.


The TCA is a National Rifle Association (NRA), Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) and National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association (NFATCA) affiliated club.


Over the years, the Annual TCA Show & Shoot and business meeting has convened at several venues, but for the past four years, the Annual Show & Shoot has been hosted at the fine facilities of the Tusco Rifle Club in Dennison, OH. The Annual Show & Shoot allows members to set up displays, trade items, compete in multiple range challenges with their Thompsons and enjoy the company of their fellow collectors. The Show and Shoot is usually held in the month of September.


For the first time in the Spring of 2016, a Thompson shoot-only was held at the Tusco Rifle Club and because of its popularity, this may also become an annual event.


The TCA has frequently sponsored large Thompson displays at regional gun shows such as, the well known Small Arms Review (SAR) annual East coast machine gun show.


The main emphasis of the TCA has been on collecting, possession, use, and study of the Thompson Submachine Gun, its accessories and related history.


The annual membership dues for the TCA is: $40.00


Web site: www.theTCA.net


Email: Membership@TheTCA.net (Mike Wank)


Address: The Thompson Collectors Association

P.O. Box 66

Hartland, MI 48353


The current Executive Board and Board of Directors of the TCA is as follows:


President Bill Troy

Vice President C.J. Roberts

Treasurer Linda Simmons-Menosky

Secretary Bill Menosky

Director Randy Sneed

Director Mike Wank

Director John Bosio

Director Phil Schreier

Director Pat Wheeler


Everyone can shoot at the Annual Show & Shoot and there are always exceptional competitors and surprising winners!



TCA members bring interesting and varied displays to the Show & Shoot from one table to multiple tables. The presentations represent many different areas of the Thompson Submachine gun history.

Edited by aut-ord-co
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The Spring Thompson Shoot will be held the weekend of May 20-21, 2017 at Tusco Rifle Club. The event was great and I plan to have things go as they did this spring where it was Thompson shooting, side matches for bragging rights, and fellowship then Sunday shoot everything else-yes an open shoot so bring your full auto toys.....belt feds are not only welcome but encouraged. I would love to see this event continue to grow as well as the TCA Show and Shoot held at Tusco in Sept. If you have any questions feel free to contact me-


John Bosio


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  • 2 years later...
Tried to log on to the web page, but get a server not found message. Whatever the hell that means. Is the site down for maintenance, or has a PC tech company refused to host a weapons of mass destruction forum?
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Solved the problem by adding the site address to my iPad whitelist. Why that worked I’ll never know, but that often cures weird nonaccess issues.
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  • 3 years later...

Link to the TCA website in the first post does not work. It returns a error message "This site can’t be reached". Tested in multiple browsers with the same result.


If you leave out (www.) and type theTCA.net (without the www. prefix you can access the TCA website, just an FYI that something is not working correctly. Most likely a DNS issue.


https://thetca.com (Works)

www.theTCA.net (Doesn't Work)

Edited by SlickG
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The website is linked incorrectly. After looking at the code it appears that the underlying link has the "t" and "c" transposed and it is ".com" not ".net".


<a href="http://www.thecta.com" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow external">www.theTCA.net</a>

Edited by SlickG
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  • 11 months later...
On 9/3/2022 at 9:35 PM, SlickG said:

The website is linked incorrectly. After looking at the code it appears that the underlying link has the "t" and "c" transposed and it is ".com" not ".net".


<a href="http://www.thecta.com" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow external">www.theTCA.net</a>

This domain does not exist. I’d like to join as well. Any updates. Thank you. 

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  • 4 months later...

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