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American Thompson Association - Website?

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I'm confused about the American Thompson Association's website. When I search for it on Google, I see the page at http://www.nfatoys.com/tsmg/tata/Default.htm. It's certainly talking about the right organization, but it doesn't seem to have had an update since 2013. I can see on this board that the organization is certainly still active. Does it have a web presence somewhere else?


Thanks in advance for any info!


Bob Bethune

Pinckney, MI

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Hello Bob,


Welcome. You have basically found the current "digital home" of The American Thompson Association. NFAtoys is still an active site, but rarely get's updated as Machinegunboards has become the go to site for Thompson information. The old newsletters have started to be digitized, membership applications and All Thompson Show and Shoot information is posted on this board. Many of the members and board members hang out here too. Membership consists of four quarterly color newsletters. We also meet at least once a year for a business meeting, in conjunction with the show and shoot, while also doing various displays. Possibly you saw us at the Michigan Antique Arms show in February.


Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to shoot me a PM. If you are free the first week of August, come join us for the show and shoot in SE Ohio. They are a nice bunch of folks, even though it IS in Ohio and many of the members are from there as well.



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