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Japanese Type 11 parts - prices

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I have a ton of spare parts for my Type 11. What are the. value of some these parts? I have searched all over, but the value is hard to figure out because these things never pop up for sale. Maybe someone here can help me out, or maybe not. I can understand if theres not really a god way to price these. Figure there is no better place to ask though!


For the record also, I dont want to sell these. This is for insurance purposes


Here are the parts. All verified originals by several Japanese MG collectors. Thanks for the help!




Hopper mechanism (minus the basket itself).

Recoil springs

Firing pins


Muzzle cap

Oiler mechanism that sits on top of gun

Barrel shrouds, each with their bipod legs

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Value today will be significantly less than value five years from now.

Condition, completeness very important which you don’t note below. A feed hopper assembly missing the internals or the “basket”, which I assume is the hopper you note is apparently missing on your part makes the part a great deal less valuable. Finding feed hopper internals is extremely difficult. Same for bolts. A stripped bolt has signifianctly lower value than a complete example.

Bore and chamber on barrel? Was it DEWATed and if so repaired or?

So estimating values on your parts is difficult without knowing more about them.

I’ll list what I believe are valid value ranges from experience with finding and purchasing parts in the last five years.


Bolts. $750-1200

Barrel 750-1500

Hopper mechanism (minus the basket itself). Don’t know what this means

Recoil springs $150

Firing pins $250

Sling 500-1000

Muzzle cap $500 plus

Oiler mechanism that sits on top of gun $350-500

Barrel shrouds, each with their bipod legs

$500 up


I would increase insurance vaue at least 50-100 percent since none of these parts are easy to find and will be far more so in the future.


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Bob, thank you, and you are always a wealth of knowledge.


The Type 11 hopper part that I am talking about having is at 1:44 in this video below. The exact Type 11 in this video and this part are actually mine now. GREAT seller to work with!



As far as condition of the spare parts. All are in good to excellent condition and the barrel was never a dewat. Bore looks excellent. Both spare bolts have their locking pieces. Hopefully this helps.


Thanks again for all of your help!


Edited by michaelkih
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