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Did ERB sell tubes

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Ive locally found a Sten Mk II tube that the seller states is an ERB tube. He states its uncut. Ive not heard of ERB selling tubes before. He also has a sterling MK4 that is built on a Sten tube according to the f4, but has the proper Sterling Cocoking Slot. Im interested in both guns, And Im aware of the Stenling conversions. Is this common?
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Stenlings seem to sell for $2,000 less and take longer to sell


Only buy the sten tube if its cheap enough. When complete stens are $6,000-6500 id think the tube alone would have to be $3,000-3500 for it to be worth the trouble


Not a bad thing to have a fresh gun built by the smith of your choosing and to get a warranty from him. Just dont pay extra for the trouble

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Stenlings seem to sell for $2,000 less and take longer to sell


Only buy the sten tube if its cheap enough. When complete stens are $6,000-6500 id think the tube alone would have to be $3,000-3500 for it to be worth the trouble


Not a bad thing to have a fresh gun built by the smith of your choosing and to get a warranty from him. Just dont pay extra for the trouble

The latest unbuilt Sten tube I saw sell went for $6,850.00 on GB on 7/03 on a BIN after 9 other bids had brought it up to $5,800 in 4 days. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/819966077

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