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Wilson Lanchester - is there such a thing?

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I bought a wilson lanchester recently. Another forum member also owns one and i saw 1 other for sale within the past year. so ive seen 3 for sale in 12 months. everyone keeps telling me they dont exist- including john andrewski. it uses a lanchester bolt and doesnt have the sten tube gap around the mag well.


Mine has a Mp28 trigger group and bolt. Others dont. (I know they customized my stock for the semi/selector)


Tell me what the heck i bought?











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There was an article in the defunct Special Weapons magazine dated 1988, about a guy named Bill Whitford who was "restoring" Lanchesters with new receivers. The company was called Cottage Arms Ltd. In Pearl River, NY. It doesn't say if he made the receivers or many details, most of the article is about the Lanchester's history.

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Thanks for the lead.


A foia May give me that info


Im getting pics of the other Wilson Lanchester. I should be able to tell if they have anything in common.


Mwt had a obvious sten/Lanchester a year ago. It had a gap around the tube to mag well and used a sten bolt


Maybe someone got uncut sten tubes and was able to cut/open up and enlarge the tubes to Lanchester specs. The fact that the 3 Ive seen all were Wilsons tells me it could be all done by the same person. Ill call wilson when I get a chance too








Doesnt sound like I have a don quinnel gun

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yes franken gun, but I like the mp28 trigger group as parts are more plentiful and I get semi auto option.


not rivets, hex screws


got it for a good price. It arrives tomorrow at my dealer.


Its a tube gun shooter. Not a collector real Lanchester

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i have a video of it shooting. shoots very slow and 0 kick. guy just holds it by his waste and barely holding the front of the gun. it doesnt move!!!


the tube is marked HF which i believe is a sten tube # from Wilson...but i do not think it is a sten tube


it will be at my local gun shop tomorrow..not sure if I have time to test fire it and check it out, but I also noticed the wall thickness seems different too...or it could just be the pic...I see holes at the back of the tube where the lanchester trigger group should go. maybe this gun didn't start out from the maker with the mp28 kit on it.

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