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First post and some questions

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Hello everyone, thank you for adding me to the forum.

I just wanted to start by saying hello and that I hope everyone is having a great day.


I have some questions regarding my Sten kit. I'm going to be building a Mk. V with an Indianapolis ordnance semi auto kit. I've been searching all over the internet but cant seem to find the answers I'm looking for.


My first question being, what would you recommend as the best or maybe only way to pin the barrel? There's a collar around the rear part near the breech with a cutout as a timing section for the sights but I'm not entirely sure what to do. Is there a particular pin I need to use or is it as simple as drilling a hole in the barrel bushing and welding the pin in place? If so, what size pin should I go for?


Second, and this may be a dumb question, but how do I go about headspacing? Is that done before pinning the barrel or is the barrel meant to be a quick change sort of deal? With it being a blow back design does it really matter?


Thank you in advance!

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Not sure why you want to pin the barrel, its supposed to be easily removable by pulling the mag well plunger, rotating the magazine well a little (to hold the plunger back) and then you unscrew the barrel shroud to remove the barrel.


The slot in the barrel collar/bushing is for the locating pin that is in the barrel nut. If your barrel nut has had the remaining casing removed, the pin may have dropped out but its nothing special, just a pin riveted in through the nut and case.


When you come to fit the nut to the casing, the nut has 4 rivets lightly riveted in and then the nut is soft soldered to the casing. Then lastly the locating pin is riveted in. No welding or brazing.

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I dont necessarily want to pin the barrel in place, I'm just trying to figure out how this works so it will hold as much of a zero as I can get out of it.


I had to buy a new barrel nut from Indianapolis ordnance since the one that came with my parts kit was torched in half. The new barrel nut doesnt have a hole for a pin in it so that's where the confusion came from. What do you recommend doing as far as that's concerned?


Also, please forgive my lack of knowledge on the terminology and I do truly appreciate your help!

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