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1928 West Hurley - need to find buttstock (buy-rent-loan etc) asap

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In order to comply with a BATF transfer info request we need to take some pix of a West Hurley 1928 FA - buyer already picked up buttstock and is out of the country so need to locate another one to borrow just long enough to mate to gun and take some pix and then send right back - loan, buy, etc - time is of the essence - or lacking the whole buttstock , the plate/latch assbly would be fine as we have several stripped stocks


So, if anyone can help please email: cs@medeacorporation.com or just call me 386-672-4574 (but in and out all the time) - we'd be glad to pay a "rental" fee and shipping (priority overnight/2nd day, etc) or just buy it


Thanks for any help!

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Your GB items say Ormond Breach, FL... correct?

It would be easier to drop off if local.

I'm in MI - sorry.

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I sent you a note with a picture, see if that will work.


I just sent it to the other email. It is from a WH with a TF suffix. It has a painted slide that will not fit a GI lower or GI buttstock. I am not sure if this is true of all West Hurley 28's or not. There is not a butt plate on it.

West HurleyButtstock.jpg

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Strange that they are requesting the photo of the Thompson.. ever thought of mocking up with the stock you do have. Side profiles you can't see the plate. Direct photo of receiver photo doesn't need to show the stock.


It's a SMG so you with or without stock it's a machine gun so I wouldn't think they would care about the stock. You could always take photos with the stock off the gun, on the side, upside down so plate missing isn't shown.

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I had one that somehow got the wrong measurement in OAL on the previous form. I mean, off by several inches.

I called ATF, trying to avoid a kick back of the form 4.

Asked if they wanted the wrong, or correct measurement, on the form.

ATF wanted a photo of the gun, with a tape or yardstick along side.

If the form was going to change, they had to have a photo.

Edited by mnshooter
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I have had ATF ask for photos of a MAC before with a tape measure next to it. It was transferred from an individual on a Form 4 to me as an FFL/SOT. Went outbound on another Form 4 without incident.


I have an extra 28 buttstock here you can borrow for postage.

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