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Need advice with a purchase


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Hi Im in the market for an m1a1 (M14) type rifle and am looking for someone who is knowledgeable on these models and could help me with advice on buying the right firearm.

Im a regular Over on the Thompson forum as I own a Colt Thompson.

Please PM me and Id love to talk to you!


Edited by Jetstreamer
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US M14 Rifle, The Last Steel Warrior II (completely updated edition)

Hardback, many color pictures, covers original M14s, MIA, most all aftermarket select-fire and semi-auto-only guns, rewelds etc. covers Every M14 - MIA your likely to encounter on the market.




This hardcover, color and b/w book (440 pages) covers the following topics:

* 7.62mm NATO Ammunition
* Accessories and Accoutrements
* Belgian T48 vs the M14
* Commercial M14 Type Rifles
* Development and Research
* Experimental Models
* Full-Automatic Garand Rifles
* Harrington and Richardson Inc.
* Lubrication and Maintenance
* M14 (M) Match Rifle
* M14 (M) Modified Rifle
* M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle
* M14E2/M14A1 Rifle
* Magazine Contracts
* Manuals
* Olin-Winchester Company
* Production
* Springfield Armory Inc. M1A
* T44 Series of Rifles
* The Springfield Armory
* Thompson Ramo Woodridge

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