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On 11/18/2022 at 4:48 PM, Mike Hammer said:

If original, its in nice minty condition. The reprints look pretty much the same. But these are too large to fit into the frame of the box lid otherwise I would consider putting one in mine.

I just reread your note above. Were you ever able to  find or make a list of parts that go in the box (which is what should be there)? 

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1 hour ago, Rekraps said:

I just reread your note above. Were you ever able to  find or make a list of parts that go in the box (which is what should be there)? 

I have a copy of the list and with some photoshop efforts I can make a copy. What has been vexing me is the metal frame that the document slides into. I've searched everywhere to find a frame like that and I've come up empty. 

Here is my original post that started all the hoopla on these boxes. I was glad to get you all in on this unique reproduction.



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Since I now have one too I'd like a copy of the parts list if you get it made up, happy to pay you for your efforts, of course.  I've  not loaded mags and put them in my box either, but I guess I need to do that sometime just to check it out.  As sturdy as the box is I don't think it would overburden the thing.  

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4 hours ago, BillinBama said:

Since I now have one too I'd like a copy of the parts list if you get it made up, happy to pay you for your efforts, of course.  I've  not loaded mags and put them in my box either, but I guess I need to do that sometime just to check it out.  As sturdy as the box is I don't think it would overburden the thing.  

Better yet, I'll just post photos here and you can download and print them. The one with the photo of the fully equipped box is the most widely seen contents holder that is found pictured in the frames on these lids. The second is an actual parts list and breakdown and it's actually more interesting than just the photograph of the contents. to me, either one would be a nice addition the box. If you download these to print I believe the actual size of the Placard holder to be approx. 6.5 x 5 inches. So the list that slides inside the holder would be slightly smaller, about 6x4.5 inches. 

In exchange for posting these I would really appreciate it if anyone who finds a placard holder this size to please let me know where it was purchased. Since I have been unable to find one I may end up just fabricating one instead. I never thought to ask Mr. Lake if he could supply a placard holder for his boxes but since he didn't include one when I received mine 5 years ago I suspect he doesn't have them.  


mp 38 contents list retouch 2.jpg

MP 40 parts list.jpg

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Thanks for the scan, I'll have to use all my limited computer skills to get this to the correct size, maybe ask one of my neighbors kids to assist.

I seem to recall reading something that Mr. Lake couldn't find a suitable holder either. Surely there is something out there we could use or adapt.

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2 hours ago, pstidan said:

It seems that Martin's website is no more.  Does anyone know what happened to it?  I sure hope Martin is OK.  I cannot find any references to him whatsoever on the interweb.

That's too bad, he did some good work and was easy to deal with.

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On 4/12/2024 at 4:33 PM, Mike Hammer said:

I have a copy of the list and with some photoshop efforts I can make a copy. What has been vexing me is the metal frame that the document slides into. I've searched everywhere to find a frame like that and I've come up empty. 

Here is my original post that started all the hoopla on these boxes. I was glad to get you all in on this unique reproduction.



No kidding on the metal frame. I searched forever trying to find one and could not do so. 

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I got to thinking about the document holder and it suddenly dawned on me it is very similar to a 5X7" metal picture frame, you know, the cheap walmart kind.  So I did a google search and this popped up:  https://www.amazon.com/Elevator-certificate-frame-stainless-Steel/dp/B082J8NMMZ  Stainless, I know, and not exactly the size we need, but its a start.  There's got to be something out there that will work or can be adapted to work.  I am going to  dig through the old picture frames we have in a closet and see if one can be used, or order something like this Amazon elevator certificate holder and see if it will work.  I need another project.



This frame might be adaptable to work as well:


I'm still looking, so far the frames that are used to hold a price on a rack of clothes or such seem like the best way to go, I may get one and see if it can be adapted.  I'll check back in when I have something to report.

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Perhaps someone that is currently active duty can go to SERVMART. I swear we used to have a similar frame on lockers, berthing compartments, spaces that had items that required PM, etc. I remember them in black and bare aluminum, with a plexiglass lens. I could be wrong, or might have not remembered particular size. I've been retired from the Navy for nearly 20yrs & I'm starting to show signs of wear. LOL

Karl, 68coupe

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Store Supply warehouse

Small Stem Mount Metal Sign Holder
SKU: 20113
Quantity: 1

Sub Total: $3.27
Sales Tax: $0.46
Shipping Cost: $4.15
Shipping Method: ENDPOS1P

TOTAL: $7.88

Cheap enough even if shipping was more than the item!  Now I hope I can adapt it to my box.

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5 minutes ago, BillinBama said:

Store Supply warehouse

Small Stem Mount Metal Sign Holder
SKU: 20113
Quantity: 1

Sub Total: $3.27
Sales Tax: $0.46
Shipping Cost: $4.15
Shipping Method: ENDPOS1P

TOTAL: $7.88

Cheap enough even if shipping was more than the item!  Now I hope I can adapt it to my box.

I actually just saw those as I was searching. I'm going to go by a frame shop and see what they can do .....

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1 hour ago, Keith Johnson said:

I'm not trying to break the train of thought here, but could someone here tell me if a tube gun could be legally registered today?    I'm assuming if this is possible, it would have to be accomplished at an ATF office.

Your question would be bettered answered by going to the main menu on this site and asking under "The Class III" forum. You will also have to explain in greater detail about the gun in question and what you had in mind. It appears by your question that you will have to educate yourself about the legality of Class III weapons as to what is legal and what is not. We have a lot of very knowledgeable members here who would be happy in assisting you with your questions.

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On 4/15/2024 at 3:35 PM, Mike Hammer said:

Your question would be bettered answered by going to the main menu on this site and asking under "The Class III" forum. You will also have to explain in greater detail about the gun in question and what you had in mind. It appears by your question that you will have to educate yourself about the legality of Class III weapons as to what is legal and what is not. We have a lot of very knowledgeable members here who would be happy in assisting you with your questions.

Hammer speaks the truth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not happy with the frame,  it's too big as you can see,  and the media loads from the top instead of the side, plus there's no cutout half moon on the side. But it's a start, and I may have to go with it.  I have some "glassine panes in an old 3 ring binder that I plan to use as a viewing barrier for whatever ultimately holdF79163EE-5B69-4C5A-81F0-3A81B12EDA00.thumb.JPG.c32da6d8b7add5eda3efd89e97b6024c.JPGs in it.


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I got a cheap frame as a temporary fix, I will still be looking out for something better. This one is still slightly too large. While I was messing with this I chipped out some of the wood where the spare inner recoil spring was housed so that I could instead carry my full recoil assembly with firing pin attached. It fits in there nicely. As Clint Eastwood said in Heartbreak Ridge, "improvise, adapt, overcome". Ha!

By the way that "frame" could also be called "placard holder", "label holder", " packing list holder", and various other similar type names if you are doing searches on this item.


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22 hours ago, Mike Hammer said:

I got a cheap frame as a temporary fix, I will still be looking out for something better. This one is still slightly too large. While I was messing with this I chipped out some of the wood where the spare inner recoil spring was housed so that I could instead carry my full recoil assembly with firing pin attached. It fits in there nicely. As Clint Eastwood said in Heartbreak Ridge, "improvise, adapt, overcome". Ha!

By the way that "frame" could also be called "placard holder", "label holder", " packing list holder", and various other similar type names if you are doing searches on this item.


You box chipping cheater! I love the look of that. Perhaps you'll share with us  how exactly and with what tools you did the "chipping"?

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