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Anybody else at SAR Show?

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10 minutes ago, colt21a said:

If they make it they will show up.will be back today. you get a C note.RON K.

You interested in the pouch?  It's a neat piece. Also have a shooter grade Colt 21 bolt, a shot mag with shot rounds, Savage vertical grip, two rough BSA .30 Mauser mags, UD 42 mag.


Edited by brazos609
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On 12/3/2022 at 7:55 AM, Rudy said:

Does Tulsa have very much class3 for sale?

Rule #4  No full auto guns.   Guys I know say some parts do pop up for sale, but don't expect much.  I don't attend shows or clubs that ban guns.  When I was in the process of buying  a range I briefly considered kicking out trapshooters, but figured I'd just charge them more money instead.  Tulsa is for wabbit and duck hunters mostly.


Brazos609, pouch must have sold or was well hidden? Never saw it on Friday?  Looks pretty neat.

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12 hours ago, Rudy said:

So is the SAR like knob Creek pole barn?  MG parts and guns. ?  Just curious. 

Yes, essentially the same with a substantial number of the same vendors as creek used to have.  Rumor has it, even the roof leaks are close to the same? 

Size wise, I'd guess a similar number of tables.  The crossroads show portion (out in the other buildings and outside)  is also very large, but contains generally non military fudd guns, glocks, polished rocks, surplus gear, and knives.   Admission is pretty steep.  I think $10 to park, and $30 to get in?  Every ticket is a weekend pass.  Don't go in hungry or thirsty.  We bought the worlds smallest taco's at 3 for $9.  Just a bit larger than a tortilla chip. 

I did see a FBI case for sale there late Friday.  Apparently a lot of stuff wasn't moving too well?

Edited by johnsonlmg41
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I don't think it was as great as it seemed in years past. the guys i was with could have well spent  $200 g on stuff. They found nothing. And a few things they did it was a 100% more. We did end up with the 1918 Blue Bar.AND a MG42 semi.


The FG-42 was over $30 g.crazy price. and belt feeds seems to go no place. if you wanted pouches and belts and slings that would make you happy and gun books.well onward to whatever...RON K.

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Y'all  missed the very nice Reising for sale at the other far end of the show.  (farthest building from SAR)  I walked by and saw it, beautiful finish, nice wood, original case, PD decal, sling, many mags, etc.  The old fellow at the table said it was his buddy's and he thought he recalled the price was $6K.  The (even older) owner returned in a few minutes and said that he wanted $7K. 

Not wanting a Reising, I put out the word and I think  the thing was gone by Friday noonish.  I wager $6K was the bottom dollar.


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Show wasn't bad, but the rare all day rain on Saturday did reduce the crowds.

I go to sell, but did buy a nice USMC 3 30 rd Thompson mag pouch and a 1903A4 rifle. Sold a lot of stuff including my 1917A1 C&R and a select fire M1A. Took my M1 Thompson but brought it back home with me. Maybe next year.

I am in the Phoenix area but this is the only show I attend each year. The people who attend most of the local shows leave their wallets at home, but as Ron K said, there are people at the SAR who will buy stuff.

Dave H.

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  • 11 months later...

I am looking forward to my first SAR Show. Those of us in Kentucky and surrounding states were spoiled with the two Knob Creek Machine Gun Shows and Shoots each year for a long time. Time now to go out west!

Private Message (PM) me If you have purchased one or more of my books from Amazon and would like me to sign the books at the show. I will send you my phone number so we can text and meet up.  

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