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Best place to post: M.P. 18,I Magazine found!

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Gents, pardon but the M.P. 18,I has no home on this Forum so I thought I park this close to its distant cousin.... MP38u40

While perusing GB (I obviously have nothing else to do) I ran across an original 20 round "box" magazine, all stamped and looking good! Nobody but me bid! 


It's mine now! Eat your hearts out. If only I could find a correct magazine pouch... ugh. 

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10 hours ago, NFA amnesty said:

It's fake......................just kidding.   Congrats;  are unicorns next on your agenda?

I get lucky every now and then. I kept mum as you guys would have been all over it!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/28/2023 at 8:54 AM, junglewalk said:

Take a picture, let's see it.

It's the one stamped 9 mm




Edited by Rekraps
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On 6/28/2023 at 8:54 AM, junglewalk said:

Take a picture, let's see it.

Here ya go. The large mag on the right is a STEN mag modified to fit the MP18,I mag well. 


Edited by Rekraps
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