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Mob Museum Las Vegas

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Is it any good? Especially concerning guns. I heard the Goddard collection ended down there via Neal Trickel, correct? The entire collection or just the SVDM bullets? Would someone know? Many thanks!





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I enjoyed walking through and through it was fun, but not a destination visit for me.  As far as guns, I do remember a West Hurley on display, there were a couple of Thompsons but the WH was what I remembered most (typical museum errors).  Seeing the brick wall and Goddard stuff was cool!  If anyone wanted, I could post photos.



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Thanks Ron!


I had originally planned to fly out to Missouri and check out some outlaw items and pay an extended visit to Ozark Machine Guns, but since Tyler's range seems to be closed I've been looking at other options.

I'm thinking Las Vegas might be fun overall (even though I neither drink or gamble), there are a couple of machine gun ranges with nice rentals, some of the desert trips look cool, the Punk Rock Museum seems interesting, and while I'm there I might as well check out the Mob Museum. If they actually have the complete Goddard collection, it might be worth inquiring about seeing the non-SVDM stuff as well.






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If you do plan to go to Vegas, you might want to consider scheduling it on the weekend of the Big Sandy MG shoot in Arizona. The range is about 2 1/2 hours away. It's the biggest full auto shoot in the country and you would not be dissapoinnted in the scope and variety of weapons there.    

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18 hours ago, jl7422 said:

If you do plan to go to Vegas, you might want to consider scheduling it on the weekend of the Big Sandy MG shoot in Arizona. The range is about 2 1/2 hours away. It's the biggest full auto shoot in the country and you would not be dissapoinnted in the scope and variety of weapons there.    


Thanks for mentioning this event. Unfortunately I'm only looking at May next year, so Big Sandy is out. I may go to Ohio instead though, any suggestions there? Many thanks!





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TCA (May?) and TATA (August) shows are in Ohio if you were referring to MG shoots or opportunities.   If you meant museums, the National Musuem of the U S  Air Force is in Riverside ( near Dayton) Ohio.  Great military exhibits and very historical aircraft. Entry is free and open 364 days of the year.    Give yourself at least a full day, two would be better.  

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