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Hello. I’m new to the forum and found this wealth of knowledge while I was doing some research. I have a 4 digit SN 1976 West Hurley and am looking at doing an SBR. I’ve read enough to know parts are nearly impossible to find which worries me. Is it worth the risk of doing an SBR on this early model on the chance I may not be able to get parts in the future if something breaks?? Would I be better to sell this now and buy a current production Kahr Thompson? Any advice very welcome. Thank you guys 

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Welcome. The parts for a WH aren't nearly as hard to come by as you might imagine. The fire control parts in the lower are identical to Kahr parts. Naturally, anything directly related to the bolt/firing pin differences would be different, but they can be swapped back and forth as a unit between WH & Kahr. I had similar concerns several years ago, and Deerslayer was kind enough to set me straight. Once fine tuned, both Kahr and WH can run very reliably.

HTH, Karl, 68coupe

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i have a 1975 west hurley 3 digit number     the fcg is all the same as khar  ,the bolt is the same, firing pin, etc.    i had bought a couple extra bolts that were nos off gunbroker and the only thing i did to them was rub them on some fine emory cloth .    i took the coating off that came from khar.     i use original ejectors, extractors, mag catch that was modified.    i also have the easy pull springs. removable stock and the selector switch which is cool looking and holds the bolt back while putting in a drum.    all my wood is ww2 issue.  what is it you need ?    

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  • 3 weeks later...


Sorry for the late response and thank you for your reply. I appreciate the info and yes that helps. My main concern was making sure I could replace any fire control parts or the bolt if I had issues, such as the bolt, firing pin and the inner workings. So new Kahr parts will fit without major modification then? And no my mag catch is not modified. The mags I have are original mags that have been modified prior to me owning the gun. I havnt made any mods to the gun. Wanted to make sure the investment was worth it. Again, thanks for the info. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Hello all,

Pretty new to the scene.

I was "given" a 1974 4 digit Wes Hurley in pieces. I know I am missing a few pieces like the firing pin, and i think the sear is damaged.

I have had a very difficult time finding reliable information. Anyone willing to look at a bunch pictures and try and point me in the right direction.

my hope is to rebuild it but that might be past my skill level.  

1927 A1 Make Modle Serial num.jpg

1927A1 Bolt.jpg

1927A1 Sear?.jpg

Trigger Parts 2 1927A1.jpg

trigger parts 1927 A1.jpg

Trigger pieces installed 1927 A1.jpg

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Maybe start with an exploded diagram in the manual:


Figure out what parts are missing or broken.  Try Kahr and Numrich / Gunparts.com to see if they have them.  See if anyone on here has any.   Forum member jld3713 is making firing pins.

Get in touch with forum member Deerslayer and get input / help from him.

Keep us informed on your progress and good luck.  Timmy

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We need an expert to chime in / confirm, but I THINK that:

1.  Many of the differences of above model #s are probably things like drum style frame vs. M1 frame vs. pistol frame, detachable stock, barrel length, etc.  I don’t believe it’s related to serial #.

2.  the parts you are missing appear to be from the “fire control group”, and

3. those parts may well be the same regardless of model.   

So, just put in a model number and then search.  If you don’t get a result, put the next model number in and search again.

I did not see the following items in your pictures:  Disconnector, Pawl, Pawl Spring, Trip lever.


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12 hours ago, TtheD said:

Thanks Tennessee Timmy, that manual helps.

on Numrich part website they list models.

How do I tell what model I have? and what is the differance

1927A-1 / 1927A-1C / 1927A-3 / 1927A-5

is it based on Serial number?

From your receiver photo you have a 1927A1


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On 10/2/2024 at 3:53 AM, TtheD said:

Hello all,

Pretty new to the scene.

I was "given" a 1974 4 digit Wes Hurley in pieces. I know I am missing a few pieces like the firing pin, and i think the sear is damaged.

I have had a very difficult time finding reliable information. Anyone willing to look at a bunch pictures and try and point me in the right direction.

my hope is to rebuild it but that might be past my skill level.  

1927 A1 Make Modle Serial num.jpg

1927A1 Bolt.jpg

1927A1 Sear?.jpg

Trigger Parts 2 1927A1.jpg

trigger parts 1927 A1.jpg

Trigger pieces installed 1927 A1.jpg

Yeah rebuilding from Semi auto parts will be difficult. That BCG looks like it had a part snap off, along with some of those other components. I had a West Hurley parts kit I bought for situations just like this and have the extra parts.

But I mean I wouldn't mind getting another Tommy gun either if ya gonna get rid of it lol. But Auto Orndnance does stock some parts such as a firing pin and some trigger pieces. It's just a very complicated lego, mostly because it's a Striker fired closed bolt system.


Hope the rebuild goes well.

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To put my earlier reply into other words that are hopefully less confusing.

The bolt from a Kahr will fit into a WH, but a Kahr firing pin must be used. The other parts, such as springs and buffer/spring pilot assembly, are interchangeable. All of the parts in the lower are interchangeable, though some may require minor fitting, as is true with all firearm parts.

V/R Karl, 68coupe

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On 10/4/2024 at 2:10 PM, deerslayer said:

You have an early gun.  Compare these photos.  To put in a new made trigger group it will be necessary to do some milling on the trigger frame.  20240924_082811.jpg

I didn't have to swap parts on my West hurley M1A1 lower to put it on my Kahr arms reicever. I can see the clear differences though between the AO and WH lowers though

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