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1928 Canvas Carry Case

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I would like to buy this canvas carry bag for Thompson 1928 model, new made reproduction item.

Does anyone have a photos/links from the web where i can see it during ww2 ??

Thanks very much!


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33 minutes ago, Taliaferro said:

That case was never used during wwii by military. 



Oh ok, do you mean it's a carry case used by the army after WW2? 

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I have seen these.

A not very good reproduction. Might not fit a M1928 w/ Cutts Compensator. Had one that was just a little too short for gun w/ Cutts.

Originals had 4 pockets for 20 round magazines. Repro has pockets for 30 round mags. 

Original did not have the small pouch. 

If your Thompson fits this might be a good range case. 

But, as an accurate reproduction of the original case, No.

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The only one that looked decent was the first run of them.{and i can say that since i owned both 21a cases. and 21ac both Mills and also Rusco.in unissued cond.dozens of them. and sold them for a number of years. along with all the other pouches and belts. and hardcases.police. f.b.i. and police made.

for a replica the first was decent. however one flaw when you put the stock into the side pouch you could not close snap the button. it was made smaller. and no matter what you did. the material would not stretch, however i am sure many who did buy them,{heard they sold a few hundred first runs the buyers never made any remarks about that. because i am sure they never bothered to check. and with a 21ac. super tight fit but it did.when i saw this new variation, looks like somebody is trying too hard for a fantasy 1921ac case. i would rather have a decent cond original.i have seen them as low for these new ones at $30.00 good luck in whatever you decide. 

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Canvas cases for Thompson submachine guns are really just display pieces today. Yes, some enthusiasts still do use the canvas cases, but this is the exception rather than the rule, especially for Colt Thompson guns. For the M1A1 Thompson canvas cases, see pages 373 to 375 in American Thunder II. The canvas cases for a 1921/28 model and M1/M1A1 models are different. I would avoid the reproductions like you pictured above and for the World War II styles as they will not appreciate in value. There are much better ways to transport your Thompson gun than in a canvas case. But if you have to have one, buy original.  

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2 hours ago, TD. said:


Canvas cases for Thompson submachine guns are really just display pieces today. Yes, some enthusiasts still do use the canvas cases, but this is the exception rather than the rule, especially for Colt Thompson guns. For the M1A1 Thompson canvas cases, see pages 373 to 375 in American Thunder II. The canvas cases for a 1921/28 model and M1/M1A1 models are different. I would avoid the reproductions like you pictured above and for the World War II styles as they will not appreciate in value. There are much better ways to transport your Thompson gun than in a canvas case. But if you have to have one, buy original.  

TOM THAT ONE BROUGHT UP A VERY OLD DEAL. About 35 years ago a very good friend from DYER IND. got a call thru a friend to get ahold of this widow. he goes there. She says they are in the attic get them out. he goes up in the place which was like 100 degrees. rummages around thru crates and boxes. and finds 2 1921a thompsons in mills cases. and 2 100rd drums. and calls me from there.says cases have actually made weave marks in the blue and stuck to it. the drums rusty, no stick mags at all. he asked the widow any receipts or paper she says nothing, when he left the railroad after ten years. he walked out with them as part of money he said they owed him. and never went back. {and nobody ever same looking.} so they sat up there for probably 50 years. and he never told anyone about them since she said probably stolen. he grabbed up the cases and the drums and peddled them off to somebody NOT ME!

AND I ASKED WELL THE GUNS did you walk out with them. he said naw, i gave her a few hundred for the drums and cases and done..figuring the guns stolen... i said we could have sold the parts.

nothing ever was mentioned after.But i assumed Frank did not want me to know he probably took the guns with him. and made a quick buck from somebody.so yep some railroad out of Indiana or Chicago had 2 at one time. in the mills cases.and somebody ended up with 2 100rd drums rusted up from a old upstairs attic.and i am sure they still exist today and so do those 21a's with someone. 

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22 hours ago, Mk1992 said:

Oh ok, do you mean it's a carry case used by the army after WW2? 

These were never used by the US Army, before or after WWII. 

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The great bulk of my knowledge regarding the Thompson submachine gun and accessories during World War II comes from Frank Iannamico's, American Thunder series. On Page 168 of American Thunder II, there is a January 16, 1940 requisition from the United States Marine Corps for 8 Thompson submachine guns and accessories. In January 1940, Auto-Ordnance still had Colt Thompsons in stock so I would assume guns were sold and delivered. Of note, this requisition also included an order for 8 "CASES, web, TSMG." I would also assume these web cases, if delivered, would be the commonly found RUSCO manufactured web gun case for the 1928AC Thompson submachine gun.  

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38 minutes ago, TD. said:

The great bulk of my knowledge regarding the Thompson submachine gun and accessories during World War II comes from Frank Iannamico's, American Thunder series. On Page 168 of American Thunder II, there is a January 16, 1940 requisition from the United States Marine Corps for 8 Thompson submachine guns and accessories. In January 1940, Auto-Ordnance still had Colt Thompsons in stock so I would assume guns were sold and delivered. Of note, this requisition also included an order for 8 "CASES, web, TSMG." I would also assume these web cases, if delivered, would be the commonly found RUSCO manufactured web gun case for the 1928AC Thompson submachine gun.  

I will check more better when I return to home and I have this book bible in my hands

3 hours ago, TSMGguy said:

These were never used by the US Army, before or after WWII. 

Ok, this is the info needed, if not used before or after I don't buy.

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