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M2 Carbine w/Spring Tube

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Was watching "Forgotten Weapons" and Ian the Host was at an Auction. The Firearm was an M2 Carbine that he was disassembling to show the unique parts to the M2.

I immediately noticed the Detachable Spring Tube, and was wondering this can't be an Original from the Factory, but a Post War Build or Pre 86 Build. 

  I thought, wouldn't the Spring Tube possibly burst out the side of the Stock in Full Auto Mode injuring the Shooter??

It would seem the Solid Block Receiver with the Drilled Spring Hole would be safer for the Shooter.

Any thoughts? And has anyone ever seen an M2 with a Detachable Spring Tube???

Screenshot from " Forgotten Weapon" YouTube video 


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I consider the spring tube carbines a poor  choice for  conversion to M2.

Winchester, Rock-Ola and Quality all made spring tube carbines early on ? They were not as strong  as the later solid drill thru receivers.

Sometimes a crack would develop at the slide lock hole. I would recommend not buying this carbine.

Jim C

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