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A big blow to the Hughes Amendment

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Ain’t gonna happen….whatll happen is people will realize civilians can own MG’s and call for an out right ban/collection of them and then we have nothing….dont think it could happen? Don’t think the US Gov’t wouldn’t confiscate privately owned property? Look of FDR and the gold confiscation situation where it was literally illegal for civilians to own gold….don’t think something like that can’t or won’t happen again. 

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This is not the first time that lower courts have ruled against the NFA.  Each time, it has always been over-ruled by a higher court, or in some cases, just ignored.  Sylvia Daniels won in court on those grounds initially, but a higher court reversed the decision.  Likewise, I can't remember the name, but a well-known NFA dealer who specialized in MP% conversion prior to 1986 had a similar case IIRC.

The Feds have a choice here.  They can contest it, with a chance of losing the whole NFA in a higher court.  Or, they can ignore it and it has no impact on anyone other than the defendant unless other courts rule the same way.  My bet is that they will not prosecute for MG possession unless they are certain that the court will agree with them.


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6 hours ago, Got Uzi said:

Ain’t gonna happen….whatll happen is people will realize civilians can own MG’s and call for an out right ban/collection of them and then we have nothing….dont think it could happen? Don’t think the US Gov’t wouldn’t confiscate privately owned property? Look of FDR and the gold confiscation situation where it was literally illegal for civilians to own gold….don’t think something like that can’t or won’t happen again. 

I hate FDR for doing that! I remember the day when we found out and everyone had to take their stashes down the to the Bank and get a measly $35 per ounce. What a great investment by the government. UHG.

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  • 5 months later...

These lower court rulings only apply to the individual named in the case.  For it to have wider application, the DOJ would have to appeal to District Court and have it upheld there.  Then, it only applies to that District unless DOJ appeals to the Supreme Court.  Only then would it have national application.  And, even with our new DOJ, I doubt that we will see that sequence of events.

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26 minutes ago, 1gewehr said:

These lower court rulings only apply to the individual named in the case.  For it to have wider application, the DOJ would have to appeal to District Court and have it upheld there.  Then, it only applies to that District unless DOJ appeals to the Supreme Court.  Only then would it have national application.  And, even with our new DOJ, I doubt that we will see that sequence of events.

Didn’t The 5th circuit out of Texas do a national injunction on the pistol brace. Also in this court ruling many important highlights were made by the court ex. that MG can no longer be considered unusual and a few other important highlights. The video does a great job breaking it down. 

These ruling might not matter anyway depending on the new ATF director. Seems Brandon Herrera is seriously up for consideration !!!!! 

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Again it’s an act of Congress not the ATF on this people….so until you get people in line with that, doesn’t matter what loud mouth showboat jack@SS is being considered for head of the ATF….it won’t mean a damn thing….ATF didn’t create and pass the Hughes amendment….so unless you can get the courts to completely throw out or overturn a law that’s been on the books for nearly 39 years, I highly doubt anything will happen here. 

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1 hour ago, Got Uzi said:

Again it’s an act of Congress not the ATF on this people….so until you get people in line with that, doesn’t matter what loud mouth showboat jack@SS is being considered for head of the ATF….it won’t mean a damn thing….ATF didn’t create and pass the Hughes amendment….so unless you can get the courts to completely throw out or overturn a law that’s been on the books for nearly 39 years, I highly doubt anything will happen here. 

All it takes is the right ATF director to open an Amnesty period. 

Roe vs Wade was on the books for a long time and was overturned. 

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11 minutes ago, StrangeRanger said:

And the ATF Director tajes his orders from the AG. And don't count on Trump to overrule her; he got your vote, he doesn't need you any longer.

Oh did you see what Trump and the AG did today regarding the 2A and the agencies, ATF included,  through the new executive orders ? 





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He's rescinding everything that Biden did and only what Biden did. That's revenge on Biden disguised as protecting the Second Amendment.

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