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FOIA Result for S-NAC-33

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The last two FOIA requests I've done for machine guns took about a year.  This latest request for my new-to-me S-NAC-33 came back in less than two months.  Not bad!

The info I received, if not underwhelming, is certainly not overwhelming.  Numrich registered the gun on 4/7/1960, and submitted a Form 5 on 4/8/1960.  As an SOT in 1960, perhaps they weren't expected to register guns until they transferred them out?  The timing is interesting.
The only lead as to the first owner is on that first Form 5: "transferred to correctional institute."  That in and of itself is a cool bit of history, but I wish I knew which prison or agency had the gun.  There are no markings on the gun itself.  The correctional institute got rid of the gun in 1978.

I've added the two PDF in the link below for anyone who may be interested.  The first is the full form chain from the original Form 2 up until the transfer to OOW from whom I purchased the gun.  The second PDF appears to be ATF finger-wagging at whatever agency disposed of the gun in 1978 for getting some serial numbers wrong on their transfer forms.

👉 THE GOODS: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BjZa-LC39z_1fIQuNCQLS-5VDE0g0l_8?usp=sharing

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In cutting out the end of the FOIA with my forms, fingerprints, etc. I realized I left off a semi-interesting NFRTR exchange at the end. I've since added a third PDF to my link above.

It appears S-NAC-33 originally had the manufacturer listed as "X98" in the NFRTR.  In executing the transfer to me, ATF added "AOC" as a new manufacturer under which the gun is now recorded. My Form 4 shows "Auto Ordnance Corp." as the manufacturer. I would have expected NAC as the manufacturer, but I suppose they *were* operating as AOC in 1960. 

Also note the NFRTR screenshots show "Ohio Ordnance Works" ... whose name they redacted in other parts of the response. 🙄

Edited by Cort Tompkins
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