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Savage 28

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I will have a Thompson 28....Savage.....For Sale at The Big Sandy late October shoot. Good refinished shooter on form 4. What is a fair price in today's market for the buyer and seller?    

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Refinished ? Dont now . Adjustable rear sight. Finned barrel (probably not original to gun) Numbers match (upper and lower) I thought the 28 Savages were worth more than 25K Machine Gun Price Guides (just quoting) has recent sales between  30-48K .Maybe Gun Broker is the fair way? Thanksj 

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44 minutes ago, MrBill said:

Snip. Maybe Gun Broker is the fair way? Thanksj 

I wouldn't take too much stock in GB prices. Those prices have been known to be inflated, sometimes by a great deal. Although one can find great deals on GB, I would do more research. This is among the best places for that. A community of good, honest collectors that will provide expert advice on a plethora of subjects, including this one. Inflation has hit the firearm market as well, so take that into consideration too. A weaker dollar is weaker everywhere.

Just my humble opinion, Karl, 68coupe

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I guess this is the same Savage Thompson you wanted to sell me in December of 2022? You exchanged several emails with me, never responded to my last email requesting actual photographs of the Thompson. 

After several weeks of no reply, I bought a nice 5 digit Savage someplace else.

Maybe this time when someone shows interest and you converse with them, when they ask for photos don't ghost them. It's rude. No one likes having their time wasted especially when you have cash in hand and are ready to buy.

Update - Thank you for the PM Bill. I didn't know you were experiencing difficulties at the time. No hard feelings. We're square.

Edited by SP Sarge
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Blanksguy and Lewisfan are right on point. 25K to 35K (Savage Commercial in nice condition) is the correct price range without seeing pictures. Original finish in good condition and matching receiver and frame will bring the highest price. An early Savage with a New York address in nice condition is a big plus. Once you hit 30K plus with a World War II Thompson submachine gun, you have to have something special. My opinion. Others may have other ideas. Post some pictures. 

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