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M1A1 and 1928 West Hurley at auction at local auction house in Newport, Kentucky

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With David's permission, I want to inform members of this Board about two Thompson submachine guns up for auction in 4 days.

The first is a M1A1 Thompson, link below:

Lewis & Grant Auctions

The second is a 1928 West Hurley Thompson, link below:

Lewis & Grant Auctions

I know the owners of this auction house. All top notch! The starting bids seem very reasonable. I believe the Buyer's Premium is lower than most but please check before bidding. Reach out to the auction house with any questions: 859-659-1099.



Edited by TD.
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Remember that it takes 60 votes in the Senate to overcome the filibuster.

Also given the present climate around "assault weapons" and mass shootings there is likely to be very little enthusiasm in the GOP (or anywhere else) for expanding MG ownership.  Quite simply we are not a significant constituency

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5 hours ago, StrangeRanger said:

Remember that it takes 60 votes in the Senate to overcome the filibuster.

Also given the present climate around "assault weapons" and mass shootings there is likely to be very little enthusiasm in the GOP (or anywhere else) for expanding MG ownership.  Quite simply we are not a significant constituency

This is how it gets done Sir ! There are more people out there pushing to be able to own an afford an MG than not. 


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And when those who are pushing for them can SAFELY and RESPONSIBLY handle them, then I’ll sign on. As for backing that self centered smart a$$ to get the job done, I won’t be holding my breath….that being said-how the hell did a thread about an auction turn into the whole “repeal the NFA” crap again?

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16 hours ago, Got Uzi said:

And when those who are pushing for them can SAFELY and RESPONSIBLY handle them, then I’ll sign on. As for backing that self centered smart a$$ to get the job done, I won’t be holding my breath….that being said-how the hell did a thread about an auction turn into the whole “repeal the NFA” crap again?

That is what is on a lot of peoples' minds right now.

Just my humble opinion (JMHO), Karl, 68coupe

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By the time you figure in the buyers premium and sales tax, you are roughly $23,200 on that M1 which is the lower end of the range, but respectible.  Smaller auction house coupled with a tougher market, add in RIA and Morpyhs both having big sales coming up, it all adds up to what you just saw.

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I would think with rock island and Murphys comming up people woukd be holding their $$ unless a good deal comes up in an auction like this on somthing they want and would purchase .I think it's simply Volume of people who saw it and was keeping up with it( and everyone keeping up with it wasn't looking for Thompsons or necessarily these Thompsons.All about Traffic.

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Someone got some sweet deals.  Congrats!  Even with 15% premium the Bridgeport M1A1 sold at $21.9k (assumes wire transfer and no tax due to dealers resale tax certificate). 

The WH 1928 would be at $17.3k.  Prices from several years ago for sure...

I don't think that the upcoming bigger auction house sales will suffer due to folks believing that NFA will be repealed. From a purely political standpoint, the incoming party would be dumb to repeal it and suffer the headline frenzy sure to follow.  

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36 minutes ago, Lewisfan said:

From a purely political standpoint, the incoming party would be dumb to repeal it and suffer the headline frenzy sure to follow.  

That's a hill probably not worth dying on. Supressors and SBR maybe but MGs are a hot buttom topic.

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Congratulations! And welcome to the Thompson community. Show below is the MGB.com forum for information on how to join both TATA and TCA. You will enjoy both of the Show & Shoots. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.


Thompson Collector Groups - Information and Reference - MachineGunBoards.com Forums

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HHSix-you got yourself a nice example of an M1 variant Thompson. I’m sure it will serve you well and bring you a lot of enjoyment. I would suggest before you get it, stock up on the following items:


ammo (well duh lol)

and a couple recoil/drive springs


When the gun comes in, swap out the drive spring before you even shoot it so you are starting off with a fresh spring as you don’t know how long it’s been in the gun. For all the more they cost, it’s worth it. 

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Also pick up a spare extractor.  Thompson extractors last forever - until they don't.  Other than springs it may be the only service part that you'll ever need and you may never need it.

Wolff sells newly manufactured Thompson springs https://www.gunsprings.com/THOMPSON/1928+M1+.45/cID2/mID115/dID292

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