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The Armored Force School

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I have published another book.  I have found over my many years in the Thompson community that there are always new owners of General Thompson’s “Trench Broom” that are really at a loss on how to properly field strip and correctly maintain a Thompson submachine gun. There are many manuals and handbooks on the subject, but one manual stands out far above the rest. It was designed for crews that served in armored vehicles during World War II. It is a step-by-step guide, complete with pictures, that teaches the nomenclature, disassembly and assembly, function and most importantly, care and cleaning. This manual was designed and originally printed in 1941 by the Gunnery Department of The Armored Force School in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Its distinctive green cover is well known by Thompson enthusiasts. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find an original copy and expensive when found. Given the increasing number of paper collectors in the Thompson community, this manual is now a collector’s item.

While a war time manual, I have added my observations on several pages for civilian owners of what are now very expensive collector items. This manual is also very useful for the Model of 1921 and M1/M1A1 Thompson submachine guns.

The original manual has been reduced in size to 8.25” x 6” and is perfect for the work bench or Thompson travel case. As with the original, it is printed in black & white. That keeps the cost down but does not detract from its usefulness. It is a must have for the Thompson submachine gun owner, especially one that only gets his Thompson out of the safe once or twice a year.

It is available on Amazon.com with a "Read sample" option that allows you to see some of the inside pages. I would encourage everyone to take a look: 

Amazon.com: THE ARMORED FORCE SCHOOL - THOMPSON SUB-MACHNE GUN, M1928A1: FORT KNOX, KENTUCKY: 9798340875587: Davis Jr., Tom: Books

It is the perfect Christmas gift for those that have and want everything Thompson. I do not have any author copies available right now and probably will not be able to sell directly until next year. That said, Amazon has the best pricing for shipping. 

This forum is the best. I appreciate everyone's past support. Please let me know what you think of this product.

Cover Page - Master LT 4.jpg

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I became aware of the Fort Knox manual some years ago and have been fortunate enough to add one to my collection. I consider it "the best" I've encountered and "hats off" to the original authors. It is however in a rather large format and I think Tom's reduced size will prove very popular. 

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Well done and good luck with the sales.

I was lucky enough to add an original Fort Knox Thompson manual to my collection, thanks to a fellow member on this forum.

Only thing that is missing, is your observations..😂

Stay safe


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Thanks David. I have been told it makes a great stocking stuffer! 


No, I will not be attending SAR this week. I am having problems with my right knee so there is no way I could walk the show. That said, I hope you and everyone else finds the treasures you are seeking. Let us know about the Thompson stuff there. 

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I appreciate all the online and offline comments for this new book. As stated above, it is one of the best World War II Thompson instruction manuals. The small size makes it perfect for the work bench or travel case. Again, thank you for all of your support.

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 Thank you. I believe you will find it very useful. Please let me know what you think of the book.

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"It has been my experience that machine guns in civilian hands spend most of the time in a safe.  The great majority are only fired once, twice, perhaps three times a year - if that.  If you are not routinely field stripping or cleaning a weapon, as easy to follow step by step simple guide is invaluable."

Completely agree with Tom.  Fits right in my Greg Fox police case and always available for easy reference.  Great little book.



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and now available on Amazon.co.uk for those of you on this side of the Atlantic for only £11.50

Edited by rpbcps
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