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Lee Enfield front sight height on Sten MKV's

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I know that Sten MKV's use the front sight post assembly from a Lee Enfield, but with a front sight blade that's a different height on the Sten SMG than with the full size rifles.  I've been trying to google the height of the Enfield front sight blade post used with the Sten family but haven't been able to find that data.  Any insight?


Edited by StenMKII.V
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Since the only way to "zero" a STEN MK5 is the same as the steps for the Rifle #4 and #5, by drifting the front sight left and right and selecting the proper sight height, while actually firing the weapon from a rest, the best choice is a selection of front sight blades.

Enfield #4 Foresight Blade, Set of 5 w/ Different Heights

APEX Gun Parts has them in stock.


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2 hours ago, APEXgunparts said:

Since the only way to "zero" a STEN MK5 is the same as the steps for the Rifle #4 and #5, by drifting the front sight left and right and selecting the proper sight height, while actually firing the weapon from a rest, the best choice is a selection of front sight blades.

Enfield #4 Foresight Blade, Set of 5 w/ Different Heights

APEX Gun Parts has them in stock.


Richard, thanks for taking the time to respond!

I sent you a PM.

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13 hours ago, StrangeRanger said:

Richard, does the (nearly invisible) Lanchester front sight use the same dovetail?

I would guess no.
Looking at the Lanchester parts manual the foresight is more closely related to the one that was used on the STEN MK2.


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