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Maguire Wooden Thompson

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Here is a Maguire Industries wood & metal Thompson I bought at auction. This piece was part of a USMC veteran estate. Based on what I've read, there are only 8 or so known to exist. image.thumb.jpeg.69884212622b7cbfb71a628c9dfde0b6.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.980f1b6382bb50b07de79a949214ad74.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.c00829f7f019f348215f05a1dade55f3.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.481bbf8058031679426b62e5fc153cb0.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.bdf35238d4af95999d403c059f917d33.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.462b3e8d3a10d5b01917b6c213de22b4.jpegCompimage.thumb.jpeg.e1d12a9cbb8d47ea27c3e3a728cc5c2b.jpegared to the other examples, this piece's condition is in the top percentile. 

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Our own Bill Menosky (aut-ord-co) is the expert on these wooden Maguire toy Thompsons. His collection is suburb!  For those interested, his latest book on the Maguire Wooden Thompsons can be found at:

Auto-Ordnance Bridgeport Etc

Bill's other book is also highly recommended for those interested in the history of the Auto-Ordnance Corporation at Bridgeport, Connecticut. 

Both make excellent Christmas presents to those that want everything Thompson! 


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On 12/11/2024 at 1:43 AM, TD. said:

Our own Bill Menosky (aut-ord-co) is the expert on these wooden Maguire toy Thompsons. His collection is suburb!  For those interested, his latest book on the Maguire Wooden Thompsons can be found at:

Auto-Ordnance Bridgeport Etc

Bill's other book is also highly recommended for those interested in the history of the Auto-Ordnance Corporation at Bridgeport, Connecticut. 

Both make excellent Christmas presents to those that want everything Thompson! 


I bought a first edition of 'The Auto-Ordnance Corporation - The People', a really interesting book to read, and now there is a 2nd edition.

I can't keep up with the TSMG related books being published at the moment, nor can my bank balance. 😥

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