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Numbered C Drum From Colt Era Value Needed

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Hello All:

I recently acquired a C Drum,Excellent condition, numbered 588 front and back,

inside is perfect. I did not buy this specifically, but rather as part of a package

It does have a tan pouch marked Rusco

I will post pictures in a day or two

my guess is 7500-8000 range

Thanks as always




































Edited by Grease Gunner
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I don't think a West Hurley C drum is worth anywhere near $600/$650 other than to an uniformed buyer. Most do not work unless overhauled by the Drum Doctor years ago. I would consider most West Hurley C drums as display pieces. A much better deal is a Thompson C drum from Numrich Arms or the Gun Parts Corporation. For the most part, these C drums work. The price has risen some of late but there is a return policy if the buyer is not completely satisfied. There is also a discount for dealers. 


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3 hours ago, TD. said:

I don't think a West Hurley C drum is worth anywhere near $600/$650 other than to an uniformed buyer. Most do not work unless overhauled by the Drum Doctor years ago. I would consider most West Hurley C drums as display pieces. A much better deal is a Thompson C drum from Numrich Arms or the Gun Parts Corporation. For the most part, these C drums work. The price has risen some of late but there is a return policy if the buyer is not completely satisfied. There is also a discount for dealers. 


That's the prices I've seen between gun shows and gunjoker not that I think they are worth it. I wouldn't buy a west Hurley drum of any personally,but people charge ridiculous prices.The new drums out of China I might swap covers with a west Hurley as at least they have the 'Thompson' logo bit aside from the cover west Hurley drums are only a 'display' piece.

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  • Grease Gunner changed the title to Numbered C Drum From Colt Era Value Needed
17 hours ago, johnsonlmg41 said:

Looks refinished to me.   The numbers should be much deeper?  I don't see the sandblast marks on the cover?

I agree with johnsonimg41,  I don’t see the sandblast marks on the cover, either.  The inside looks too perfect, as well.  It is a genuine Colt’s (John’s Machine Works) drum, however.

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1 hour ago, gijive said:

I agree with johnsonimg41,  I don’t see the sandblast marks on the cover, either.  The inside looks too perfect, as well.  It is a genuine Colt’s (John’s Machine Works) drum, however.

A few years ago, i was lucky enough to become the 'custodian' of a Johns Machine Works C-Drum, #157. It's journey from the USA passed via Ireland, maybe part of the SS East side cargo. From the inside, my opinion is that it also had not seen much use, but maybe due to it spending too much time 'under the ground', the outside is not perfect. 

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Grease Gunner,

Your drum has correctly been confirmed as a Colt-era C drum.  It is hard to confirm condition with pics, but it does appear the drum has been refinished. The tells are the finish filling all of the markings, especially the serial numbers, and the uniformity of the overall finish. As noted by others, the insides appear to have been polished to some degree.  The rotor appears to be in nice shape  

Original finish nice Colt C drums have gone for $7000-8000, but I am guessing yours will be less due to the refinish. Actual value will depend on the buyer and how much they want a Colt-era C drum.

Good luck. 

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23 hours ago, TSMG28 said:

Grease Gunner,

Your drum has correctly been confirmed as a Colt-era C drum. It is hard to confirm condition with pics, but it does appear the drum has been refinished.

Good luck. 

Thanks a lot TSMG1928

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2 hours ago, anjong-ni said:

The two drums pictured differ in details. 

In addition to the manner in which the S/N is stamped,

The rivets are crushed differently.

The space afer "Dec. 7, 1920" is different.

     Very nice drums!   ...Phil

You're right! So which is earlier,Greas Gunners looks better.A later original!? How many companies made these 'C' drums( I know somone with a book has the answer)

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Grease Gunner,

I am changing my opinion about the finish on your drum. I inspected two early numbered L drums that are NIB, and their finish is essentially identical to that of yours in the pics. Please take a look at the edge of the body under where the cover overlaps. If that area is blued, smooth, and not grit blasted, it is very likely that your drum is 100% original.

Thank you for sharing it with us. 


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All of the Colt-era numbered drums, both C and L, were made by John’s Machine and Stamping Works Company in Cleveland, and finished and assembled by Colt’s.

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New Pics Posted showing the cover off. There is definitely a band of blue(not so shiny-its 100 years old) but not sandblasted which indicated

refinish. I suspect the pouch is original as well

I also received 2 l drums one is a United and the other is from the Colt ere(not numbered) and with pouches

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