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Thompson stuck during disassembly

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I'm trying to remove the lower on my 1928 Thompson.  The selectors are on Full Auto and Safe.  It wouldn't come all the way off, and when I put it back it seized up.  What should I do here?  I don't want to damage anything.

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The fire control levers are both supposed to be pointing forward: FIRE and FULL AUTO.

After depressing the frame latch, did you pull the trigger as you were removing the frame from the receiver?

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It might be the rear take down detent pin sticking out too far and catching on the trigger group? Maybe slide a feeler gage under it to lift it out of the way.

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Levers at FULL and FIRE, not FIRE and SAFE

Set levers and FULL and FIRE, pull trigger while depressing the rear frame latch detent pin

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How about an update. I am sure we all can learn something. There is a lot of talent on this forum that I know would be willing to help.

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Ok.  Managed to get it cleared I think.  Put the gun on a 2x4 and squeezed the trigger, then tapped it gently with a rubber hammer.  Slid back into place and then tried again with the selectors on FULL and FIRE and then slid it off.  It went fine that time.

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