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Tca Show Pics

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Some shots of the FBI tour and the NRA National Firearm Museum TSMG display.

Most of the photos of the museum are of the Colt displays.


TCA 2004 Photos

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Thanks Sig, it really makes me wish I could have made it; I hope to next year. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/blink.gif http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/rolleyes.gif Those look like some outstanding displays! http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif Cheers, Walter
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Jr., I think the photo with with a pic of Churchill in the display is WWII! http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/blink.gif Regards, Walter
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I would venture to say that this is mostly a colt event http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/rolleyes.gif (I saw the picture of Winnie too). It would be nice to see a section on the Savage and AO production guns displayed there too. I could envision a rather large spread of USGI WW2 mag pouches, Bridgeport drums, 30 round stickmags, 20 rounders, M1 and M1A1 style guns and some nice pictures (like that one with the BAR man ducking whilest the M1 Thompson is blasting away). Lots of nice accessories.


Just a thought



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The "On the side of law and order" display, comprised totally of guns and Thompson related items loaned to the Museum by TCA members was very broad spectrum and covered pretty much everything from the Blish pistol thru the early prototypes into the Colt production and onward thru Auto Ord., and Savage through WW2 and right on into West Hurly and later Khar guns and even had a few toy Thompsons.


The only thing missing as far as I was concerned was an Irish Sword and that little bit of very early Thompson history.


There was a excellent display of WW2 in another part of the Museum which included a number of Thompsons , with 3 GI's standing in a bunker in full battle dress, two standing over a pile of captured German guns and

accessories examining a MP40 while the third GI stood on watch with his Tompson. Another great display.


I spent a total of six hours at the Museum and I still did not see everything. And it is free!!!!


I have visited many firearms museums in many countries, we also have a great one in New Zealand. We spent a day before the TCA show in the Aberdeen Proving ground with Gordon Herigstad and were taken to the innermost sacred behind doors rooms which was great, but I have to say that the NRA National Firearms Museum is the most amazing collection I have ever seen and you should all be very proud of it.


The TCA "On the side of law and order" display is amazing and for me was the only chance in a lifetime to see such a display.


Of further interest is that fact that the Thompson display has proved to be one of the most popular every displayed with the general public with the "On the side of law and order" book and posters were sold out on the end of the first day we wisited but by the end of the week they had more.

What a cool book and poster and I would recomend them to everybody.


Lastly, the NRA have asked the TCA can the display be continued an extra three months to end March 2005 due to such public interest.


I would have missed it for the world and it was well worth the 20,000 mile round trip.




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I was at the Museum about 7 weeks ago and burned up the digital taking pictures. I have some pretty nice shots of the display in the Ruger Gallery as well as the regular displays; including the WWII bunker Murray mentioned. If anyone has a particular display or gun they would like a jpeg or two of, email me and I'll send you what I can.



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John Jr


I think Murray said it all but I will as well. My pictures are mostly Colt NOT the displays.


The event is anything but ALL Colt in other words it has on display just about any TSMG you could imagine including Savage, Bridgeport, etc.


I have said this before MAKE the trip to go see it. You can drive over from BWI if you must fly, heck Southwest CattlecarAirlines is cheap if you buy the ticket right. YOU WILL NOT REGRET the vist.


I am going to email Chuck and ask to host a few of his pics of the non-Colt displays to be fair.



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Now I know I do not have pictures of the basement.

Anyone have any incriminating photos they would like posted of the basement?!!!

I would be glad to host them.


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Most of the basement photos were destroyed after the cops came the second time. I still have one or two of our wives dancing topless on the bar with Joe the bar tender but I don't know how to post them. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/blink.gif
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A bayonet and a bipod on a Thompson, who da thunk it. Ok, I can understand the bayonet, wouldn't mind seeing how they did THAT, nice way to park the weapon when taking a break I reckon.



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