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Shortening The Barrel?

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I was wondering what shortening of the barrel of a 1927 does to the accuratie. will it be way off. Sorry for my bad english!


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NONONO,it's not SAM http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/sad.gif ,I live in Europe.

the law is a little bit harder and stranger here. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/mad.gif

every new main part requires a new permit:barrel,frame,receiver,.... http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/blink.gif

i'm certainly not pulling yuor leg,just asking before I do something I might regret.

by the way,it's almost impossible to find a new barrel for the thompson over here,and if you find one,.....think about 600 bucks(imports taxes,..)

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Casper is inquiring about accuracy not laws. Lets let him worry about the laws, consequences, etc.

I would think that since the original Thompsons, 21's, 28's, M1's, M1A1's were short barreled that closer ranges would not be affected but the longer the distance the more noticable the accuracy will be. It is a .45 so accuracy at a distance will most likely not be all that tight of a pattern. The best persons to answer this question would be those of us in the USA who did a SBR conversion of their weapons. Just my thoughts.

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sorry for asking,

I do not ask for legal advice,I'm just asking for the opinion from people who have experience with Thompsons.

This is not a legal question and i'm certainly not a terrorist! just looking for some real advice.

since I'm the only one in my club with a 1927 i can't get any advice over here.

what is the matter with being an European? I eat Mc donalds,shoot American firearms (colts,sharps,1911's ,....)and collect American Jukeboxes(will be there in Chicago in 2 weeks for the show)

So will shorten the barrel to 10,5 inch make the gun inaccurate?


thanks and i hope someone will understand and can help me here



BTW I'm even sponsering the NRA

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casper i really like the loooks of the shorter barrel to i my dealer said my gun had to be sold with that longer barrell but i think that dum i wat to replac it with a shoter one i will lern how but i think i need to chek what the laws are i thik it is twenty dollars for that tax to replace my barrell with a short one becuse my dealer said kahr had to put on a longer one but i dont like i like the short one
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As to the original question; I have a '27A1, PK shortened the barrel, now I love it more, puts them in a 3" group at 50 yards from bench rest, and I'm not a good shooter. Shorten it with the help of the best gunsmith you can find and have fun http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
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thanks for the info guys ,


I certainly wish we had someone like PK.


I saw his works and ,well he knows what he's doing.

it would certainly be mush easier for me to get things done. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/rolleyes.gif


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