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I've Got A Sten Mk1 Coming In......

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Does anyone here know if a transferable Mk1(C&R registered in '46) is a rare Sten? Are they more or less valuable then a Mk2?
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I'm no sten expert, but I would say they are extremely rare when compared to the proliferation of Mk2's. I don't recall ever seeing or hearing of a MarkI being sold anywhere in last twelve years or so that I've been in this hobby. Are they more valuable? I would say that they are given the numbers available, though they may not be as good as a Mk2. Would love to hear more details on this unusual find.
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I'll post some pictures when I get it. It may be a couple months or more.

Thanks for the responses,


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The MKI is very rare. I have never seen or shot one. I would be interested in a picture of yours when you get it. I have been looking for a parts kit for one but have not located any. If you are in the area of WI maybe we could get together to look at it.




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  • 2 weeks later...
No, I'm in Wa., I'll post a few pictures when it comes in though.
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  • 2 months later...

There is a Yahoo Group where someone has posted pictures of a scratch-built MkI.

The URL is:



The Peter Laidler book, "The Sten Machine Carbine" has great photos, information, exploded parts diagrams, etc. of the MkI.

The receiver and housing is the same as a MkII, the barrel appears to be the same as a MkIII. The only major difference appears to be the muzzle bushing which is removable and allows the barrel to be removed.

Note that the development of the MkII and the MkIII took place at almost the same time. The MkII was designed by the military, initially as a paratroopers model, that could be put into a smaller carrying package. The MkIII was designed by Lines Brothers, which was a contractor that had been making MkI parts.


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  • 1 year later...

Yes it was me : )







The model is a replica of a Sten MK1* these were made in very limited numbers during 1940/41. They were built by Singer Manufacturing (sewing machines) and less than a 100,000 units (Mk1 & Mk1*) were produced before switching to the Mk2 production. Most Mk1's were destroyed at the end of WWII as they were classed as obsolete, some did survive in the hands of film companies and the B.B.C. up until the mid 1970's however I've not been able to find out what happened to these survivors, and I've heard rumours that they were melted down for scrap.

As to my replica I spent about ten years on the project, due to problems with obtaining the information about the special parts for the MK1*, as there are numbers of differences between the Mk1 and Mk1* as well as all other models produced after them. This replica contains no original parts except the magazine due to U.K. law, as a result everyting was built scratch, most of it by hand. It took over a 1000 hours to build and many 100's of hours doing the research. As to the main parts which are different they are the magazine housing, the stock, the sling (Rifle type), the bolt (maching different on base), the ejector (part of the magazine housing and and not fixed) and finally the front sight and barrel bushing as already mentioned.

My replica this is now on loan to a local WWII related museum, as the missing link there collection on the wartime deployment of Sten gun series.

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