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Thompson Field Trip

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Bruce V and I spent the afternoon in the company of 10 Model 1921 Thompsons, courtesy of the Alabama Department of Corrections.


The guns were all in the serial number range of 6XXX through 7xxx and were I guess around 85% to my untrained eye. The inventory in the armory had their acquisition cost at $150.00 apiece!


The guys in the armory were terrific, even allowing us to take one apart as neither one of us had seen the insides of a 1921. As if that wasn't enough, we were taken to the range with one of the 1921's and one of their two Ingrams and got to do some shooting. We were both expecting the 1921 to handle differently than our Cutts-equipped 1928s, and we were surprised by the lack of muzzle climb.


I'm going to try to post a couple of photos.





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Wow, good for you guys. Fun stuff; sounds like you had a great time. Instead of muzzle climb, I'd be a lot more worried about those 110V AC boxes in the background of your pics if they're all on the same circuit! http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
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