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Tommy Gun And Dirty Harry

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I was watching Dirty Harry the other night. Where Harry drops off the cash, Scorpio uses an automatic weapon. It sounds like a Thompson. I could not make out the weapon (poor lighting or poor quality tape). Does anybody know for sure what was used in the movie? A guy at work thought it might have been an MP 40.




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I haven't seen "Dirty Harry" in a long time, but if I remember correctly, Scorpio was using an MP-40. Now you've got me wanting to see the movie!
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QUOTE (full auto 45 @ Mar 13 2006, 10:49 PM)
Didn't one of the bad guys in a office pull one out of a file cabinet and use it?

Yeah, but it was in "Magnum Force," the second Dirty Harry movie.

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TheGunny is correct. Andy Robinson playing the psycho "Scorpio" in the Original "Dirty Harry, originally uses a high power rifle to do his sniping but when Harry and partner confont him on rooftop and then again later at the cross, Scorpio blasts away with the MP40. Magnum force, (2nd DH film), bad cop kills entire mafia pool party with one magazine from S&W76, one hell of a shot that cop! Bad guy warehouse shootout shows two badies using Thompson M1's and being outgunned and shot by Harry with his revolver, (not likely in real life but makes great movie stuff!) http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/popcorn.gif


Mike Hammer

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Well, the cop shooting up the pool also used a sachel charge, which is probably cheating (even for mafia-hunting).


By the way, supposedly Suzanne Somers was supposedly one of the (topless) bimbo victims of the poolside massacre. Any idea if this is true?

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