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Canadian C1 Smg - Sterling

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Hi, just thought I would throw out a pic of my Canadian C1 SMG (Sterling). Yes up here in Canadastan we do have some good stuff, but don't know for how long. It is 1960 dated, 2nd year of manufacture, along with our FNC1 bayonet that goes on the SMG. It is also dated 1960. I am told it is one of only 3 registered in Canada. I have the original import certs for it when it came into the country in 1978. Our govt did not allow any of the SMGs to be publically released. This one was imported through Britain, but documents state came from Zaire. Apparently we had some peacekeeping troops there in the 70s.

Made at our Canadian Arsenals Limited (A.K.A. Longbranch) now sorta, Diemaco.

The webbing is the appropriate 1964 pattern stuff that I was still issued when I did my basic in 78.

Slight changes from the Brit L2A4. Any questions, ask away... http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif



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NICE GUN! I have always liked the looks of the C1 and the Sterling. How does it shoot, (cyclic rate)? Is it as reliable as everyone says? What kind of finish does the gun have? It looks like parkerizing or some other phosphate. Thanks for the pics!
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Junebug, thanks for the kind words. I havn't had a stoppage yet, but with only about 500 rounds through it myself. So many guns, so little time.

Identical rate as the Brit L2A4. Yes, it is a parkarized/phosphate finish. The L2A4s were also parked, but then had the "crinkle" paint finish put on afterwards. I personally prefer this one, but of course I am bias. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/rolleyes.gif

A large percentage of parts are interchangable with the L2A4 including the trigger groups even though they are quite different. This one being far more simpler.

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http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/rolleyes.gif Nice pics! I am currently waiting for 2 stenlings (stens converted to sterlings) to be completed and transfered in florida.Your post helped me thru another day of waiting.I understand they shoot as smooth as my mp 40.I also have a Longbranch Sten that has been very reliable.Just remember happiness is a warm barrel .... even in Canada!
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