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Sten Mag Loaders

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I've found sten mags to be a bitch to load compared to Thompson mags, 32 and 18 rnd, I can't get either to capasity with my thumbs.


What is best ?


the ring loader IMA had in SGN but is out of currently


The spoon ( side lever)


a fixed type, like What a Country sells


Other ?



Hoping to get one loader that works easy the first time, not by trying everything myself





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The fancy early model with the ring handle may be better, but I've never used it and have gotten along fine with a pair of the simple stamped, slip-on rear-lever specimens with Canadian army markings.

To use the latter model, you push the lever up with one hand after attaching, then slide in the cartridge with the other hand until it catches, then swing the lever down and finish pushing the cartridge to the rear, using both hands for the operation and bracing the bottom of the mag on your waist.

I remember my dad almost 30 years ago mentioning having found one of the ring handle models lying around his army weapons shop but only sending it to the base museum.

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The `Austen` mag loader is the cadillac of STen loaders..imo...they pop up at gunshows now and then...last one I saw was at the `Creek... http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/wink.gif
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  • 11 months later...
The `Austen` mag loader is the cadillac of STen loaders..imo...they pop up at gunshows now and then...last one I saw was at the `Creek... ;)


Seconded. I got one of the original potmetal british loaders in a junk shop in Kent about a decade ago. This is the loader that the austen loader is based on and is just as rare. Once you use it you'll never use anything else.

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