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C&r Stirling? Please Pay Attention.

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I have a C&R Mkll Sten registered dewat and an excellent Stirling parts kit. Since the Sten will have to go to a manufacturer to be reactivated anyway, what would be the big advantage to have a C&R Stenling other than the fact that someone in a C&R only state could buy it. I would think the $1,000 converaion fee would make a $3,000 Sten into a $5,000 C&R Stenling at least and I would have a big $50.00 Sten parts kit left over. Another way of putting this question to all you Sten, Sterling, Stenling experts is:

How much more valuable is a C&R Stenling than a non C&R Sterling or Stenling? Got that straight? Since a Sterling tube is now $3,000+ $400 for Stirling kit + $1000 or so for machineing work = $4,400.00 plus or minus for a Sterling tube gun. Non C&R of course. Of course all this is figured without any transfer taxes. Merry Christmas you all! Hank

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Not to sound argumentive or like some know-it-all, but I think by definition, the moment you REWAT (reactivated war trophy) your C&R dewat, it no longer falls under the purvue of a C&R gun.


The C&R guns are 'sposed to be all originals, regardless of functionality. C&R DEWATs/DEWATs in general "became" as valuable as they are today precisely because they require rewat'ing to become live guns, but in so doing, they lose their C&R status as they are no longer original. Again, I'm no RKI, but that is how/why my re-sideplated MG08/15 is not the big-bux gun it would otherwise have been. Unless there is some hair-splitting between re-man and REWAT... A good discussion unto itself.


Regardless, no such animal as a C&R Stenling by definition, AFAIK, it would still be a STEN. And if it goes according to your hopes, a C&R STEN in Stenling config would be worth a lot to collectors in those C&R-only states...

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