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Spring Lenght Specs For Xxx Mags

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Just got done cleaning 15 Thomson XXX mags and had a few questions:


1: What is the nominal and minium lenght for USGI 30 rnd Thomson mags?

(Most were 12.5 to 13 inches, with three being 12 to 12.5 and one at 11+)


2: Any differences between Seymor and CD followers?

(missed a couple of CD in the larger batch of Seymon and dump them all into the slovents together .... tricholor then mineral sprits with 7% ATF works week with some wiping and brushing).


3: Is there a correct / better way to put in the mag sprinc?

(Many, but not all, had the spring wire end on the bottom, pointing towards where the floor plate enters).


4: Have not been able to order the Tech manuals on CD (slow connection) but besides that CD and American Thunder, what reference books should I be getting (old questions ;-).

Edited by JTinIN
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