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Everything posted by Milio

  1. Drum is listed on gunbroker - https://www.gunbroker.com/item/901593204
  2. His reputation precedes him.
  3. Thank you, your input adds greatly to my research. I appreciate it very much.
  4. Can you site your source of information regarding the claimed years of 1940's till 50's production of these drums? It seems to me that most of the ones I've seen were made in the 80's and 90's. I mean just because a wartime Bridgeport drum was used it does not necessarily mean these drums were converted 65-70 years ago. Mike, I'd would tell you, but then I'd have to shoot you.
  5. I am still looking for information about the M-1 drum conversion, here is what I have learned so far; The drum is an original Bridgeport, mechanically sound with no damage beyond the scope of the purposeful modifications. There is no rust inside or out, to include the internal components. Rounds move freely though the entire path of the channel with no impediment or binding. Rotor turns freely, the spring is strong and does not appear to have laxed over time or from loaded storage. There is nominal expansion or stretching of the sheet metal from removal of the front and back rail plates, purely cosmetic, does not affect the functionality. The M-1 L drum mod was active throughout the 1950's, which is as close to placing a pin in a timeline as I will likely get without provenance. Range spans from just after the war thru the late 50's. It is questionable whether this type of mod may have originated from “Trench-Art”, though possible. A question I would like to answer; did GIs bring the M-1 drum concept home or was this postwar Americana, like hot-rods, Harleys and “sporterized” K98s? I have photographed the drum with particular attention to the feed lips as the most interesting feature and arguably the most critical. The component is stout, solid, well thought-out, and well executed. As intended, it holds the round securely in position only allowing travel forward past the lips and not upward nor nose-up. My overall impression of the work is a fair amount of consideration/experimentation went into the design. I have taken measurements of the tower rail and placement on the drum body, then to try and determine if the drum has the potential to function properly, I loaded a round and measured from the bullet nose to the magazine catch retaining hole, this distance is identical as when a like measurement is taken from a Seymour stick. Overall, it appears to be a fully functioning drum intended for use in a full-auto M-1 and not designed for S/A. Obviously backwards compatible, if it can go F/A, it will handle S/A. Gary
  6. Thank you, I appreciate the information, I'll see where it leads.
  7. Might someone know where I could buy the original design rivets for the Lyman rear sight? Thanks, Gary
  8. Thanks, I failed to put together that those were the Taiwanese drums. Everything I’ve read stated they are good drums, glad to hear you agree and like yours. As it was explained to me, they were reversed engineered from a Bridgeport drum provided by Numrich and not designed off original blueprints. That in itself is interesting considering all the positive reviews. I'm going to buy a couple. Gary
  9. Thank you all for your help, I appreciate it. I am glad to learn it's likely a Bridgeport but the thing is I don't need an M1 drum, I bought it thinking it was just good for its parts. A few months back I ran across a drum cover on-line from a distributor but I haven't been able to re-locate it, though it won’t do any good without the body. Any thoughts on what to do with it? I received an email from Numrich this morning advertising an unnamed drum for a couple hundred, probably worth doing just to have a better drum but it got me thinking if there’s a snowballs chance of finding someone with an empty Bridgeport drum for sale? Gary
  10. Can anyone ID the original manufacturer of this L drum?
  11. I'm looking for photos, documentation or Doug Richardson book, Thompson New Production Semi-auto for information on the conversion of this lower to a WH A-1 SA. If anyone has a copy available, please let me know. Thanks -Gary
  12. allweaponsww2, I have this two volume set which are new, bought by mistake. Colt Thompson Submachine Gun Gordon Herigstad Vol 1&2 Regards, Gary
  13. I'm looking to buy a copy of this book / pamphlet; Thompson New Production Semi-auto. If anyone has one available, please let me know. Thank you
  14. New set of book I don't need. If anyone would like them for $250 please let me know.
  15. It will fit after some extensive, and precise milling to the lower. I had Dan Block do my Kahr 27a1 a few years ago it worked extremely well I used a 28a1 lower so that it looks more correct. Thank you, what I needed to know.
  16. My thougts were to put it back orignial then mate it to an AOC West Hurley '27 semi-auto just because it would be cool to have a second lever and a third position. Anyone think it may fit? Gary
  17. Hello, I’m new to the board, hopefully I haven’t broken any protocols by this first post. I looked for new members info, didn’t see anything. Would anyone know if this lower will or can function (semi) on a AO 1927 A-1 West Hurley? I’m assuming that it will not, but I am curious. Thanks
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