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About Joseph12345

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    Love Boats of different kinds and sizes, Love to Building Log Cabins, Building Cars, Build Motors Electric and Gas, Pilot, love Flying, Cross Country traveling by Trains, Defending Civil Rights and the Constitution in Court,

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  1. Joseph, From time to time we have people on here from outside of the United States asking questions about automatic weapons and their value. If the responder does not know the individual is outside of the US any answer given to them based on US law and values will be useless. Often their command of the English language is not exact and based on reading your posts it gave the impression of someone not from the United States. I am sure if you reviewed your posts you would understand where this concern came from. Mr. Turner Thank you for your contribution in this matter, I just went back over and looked at how and what I wrote, I also looked over your response, and Yes punctuation is important when I am filling documents in a court or suing judges for civil rights violations, or for that matter, even a president for given amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens, yes you are so right, punctuation is very important for a lot of places, Wars have started over things like this, You are right, also slang does not belong in a friendly conversation, for that matter you are right again this is business and not just veterans having a friendly conversation, or a friendly web-site, I guess! It's not where a person can come back from work and just let your hair down and lay back, Yes you are so right, and to you, I do apologize for this, I am sorry for calling my father “Onldman” instead of an Old Man, I am also sorry for not bringing together some words, and Yes I apologize for my punctuation as it is important, Please accept these words as an apology. Respectfully Joseph Sadowski
  2. Ron you are so right! Amen to that, You know sometimes I personally do not read over my work and I see the spell correction sometimes places in what it believes it is correct and when not underlined I do not even give it a second thought, yet sometimes it has its own mind too did you ever notice that! You are so right again, sarcasm can work together to make a better world. Thank You for your Help! God Bless! Respectfully Joseph Sadowski! @ Joseph_Sadowski@yahoo.com Correction Ron you are so right! Amen to that, You know sometimes I personally do not read over my work and I see the spell correction sometimes places in what it believes, it is correct and when not underlined, I do not even give it a second thought, yet sometimes, it has its own mind too, did you ever notice that! You are so right again, sarcasm cannot work together to make a better world. Thank You for your Help! God Bless! Respectfully Joseph Sadowski! Joseph_Sadowski@yahoo.com
  3. Ron you are so right! Amen to that, You know sometimes I personally do not read over my work and I see the spell correction sometimes places in what it believes it is correct and when not underlined I do not even give it a second thought, yet sometimes it has its own mind too did you ever notice that! You are so right again, sarcasm can work together to make a better world. Thank You for your Help! God Bless! Respectfully Joseph Sadowski! @ Joseph_Sadowski@yahoo.com
  4. Thanks Ron, You may be right and I also said Quote “”When we had ours appraised with the Papers from 1944, the appraiser stated it could lose some value if you re-blue it, so I always have that question in my mind, You know, these people, appraisers, which places the prices on the weapon! When he told us this was worth $8,200.00 I almost fell over, this was for insurance purposes only,”” As we all know most general appraisers only have a glimpse of what some items are worth, I only asked for a reasonable amount, I only gave the history of the Piece, as far as its condition it is the As in condition in which it came into the country with my Father, which according to the appraiser is worth more then some peace which is totally restored as he stated and most people know value is Lost, The only reason I am selling this collection is, I am in charge of the estate, the executor and being that there are two boys, Brother and I, the Judge ordered me to sell the collection, if I did not, I was to give them to the Appraiser to have sold at a proper Gun Auction, so you two are in on the ground floor at this time! It brakes my heart but when a Judge orders something you best heed to his orders, Wrong? This was why I said a reasonable offer, it is simple, imagine dealing with the death of my father then have to give up what was given to me as the complete estate was Willed to me but the Laws state that is a child of the estate contest the Will, Yes disagrees with the Will, the Parents wishes, then it is conducted by the courts, So Pray you are not Willed something by a Parent and have a brother decide he wants it all! Imagine! Mr. Turner With all due respect, as far as English being my first or second Language I am just hitting 60 and have been born in the house I am in now, and who am I, is no secret, all one has to do is type in my name into a computer and Google me then you will see my work is fighting Corruption against state Officials and have clients in 8 states, I am not embarrassed in what I do! I really enjoy it, One Of My Biggest actions I had was against the Amnesty Bush wanted to give in 2002, which we all know never happened! That too is on the web. Respectfully Joseph Sadowski
  5. Do you live in the United States? Long Island, I Just called the VFW and am waiting for a return call from the Boys, See what they say! Post 3211 Thanks for the Joke!
  6. It would also help to know what ATF Form the firearm is listed on to determine the value. I Have no I dear and do not even know where to look to find this out! As I said it is My Oldmans and been in the closet for a long time with the Papers he has for it! Thats all I know, I'm just clearing out the house you know how that gets, I would only sell it to a service man no one else deserves it.
  7. I Have the MP 40 bnz.43 complete, except no strap, my father said it was no good as it dried up and threw it out! Waaa! If you send me an e-mail at Joseph_Sadowski@yahoo.com I will return one with a Picture so you can see the MP 40 bnz.43 condition, as far as the Price I was just looking for a reasonable Offer from its appraised value! Not looking to get rich just to put some money back into the house! Always the House! You know! Respectfully Joseph Sadowski
  8. WOW, It’s such a pleasure to see an elegant weapon in such wonderful shape, was this refurnished? I personally have been Looking for someone good to redo mine MP 40 bnz.43, What worries me most is, one is always afraid to let it out of your site as if the Place you bring your Weapon to, claims they have a break-in or their workmanship is really bad, this is what scares me most, then the other side of the coin is how much value is lost when it is re-blued? When we had ours appraised with the Papers from 1944, the appraiser stated it could lose some value if you re-blue it, so I always have that question in my mind, You know, these people, appraisers, which places the prices on the weapon! When he told us this was worth $8,200.00 I almost fell over, this was for insurance purposes, Strange how some things could be worth so much money! Was yours re-finished or did it come out of the closet like that? My Father is one of those closet stories, he came home with his from the Army with a souvenir certificate from the US. Army! Yes it’s such a pleasure to see an elegant weapon in such wonderful shape like yours, No, this is the way it was found. Completely original finish that you see in the pictures. On another note, I was given a German camouflage coat from a friend and took it to another friend for an appraisal. I almost fell over when he told me it was worth about $3500.00!!!! A Luftwaffe Field jacket in tan & water pattern. How good life has been!!!!! CaptMax You interest in another MP 40 bnz.43? if interested, I’m thinking of getting rid of mine, You can contact me at Joseph_Sadowski@yahoo.com for further response and pictures! Respectfully Joseph
  9. You still looking for the MP 40? We have MP 40 bnz.43, When we had ours appraised in 2003, Which I don’t Believe this was this Appraisers Porte, with the Papers dated 1944, the Appraiser stated it could lose some value if I were to re-finish it, so I didn’t, the Appraiser told us it was worth $8,200.00 in As in Condition which is perfect, this was for insurance purposes, My Father is one of those closet stories, he came home from the service, with his from the Army with a souvenir certificate from the US. Army! And has sat in the closet for now 70 years and it is still 100% he would just take it out once a year for cleaning, I would be interested in letting it go for a reasonable Price! If you notice some of these MP40 are at $20,000.00 which I believe is off the wall! But as Papa would say he could take a brake from paying some taxes if I sold it! if you want to see a Picture, e-mail at Joseph_Sadowski@yahoo.com
  10. WOW, It’s such a pleasure to see an elegant weapon in such wonderful shape, was this refurnished? I personally have been Looking for someone good to redo mine MP 40 bnz.43, What worries me most is, one is always afraid to let it out of your site as if the Place you bring your Weapon to, claims they have a break-in or their workmanship is really bad, this is what scares me most, then the other side of the coin is how much value is lost when it is re-blued? When we had ours appraised with the Papers from 1944, the appraiser stated it could lose some value if you re-blue it, so I always have that question in my mind, You know, these people, appraisers, which places the prices on the weapon! When he told us this was worth $8,200.00 I almost fell over, this was for insurance purposes, Strange how some things could be worth so much money! Was yours re-finished or did it come out of the closet like that? My Father is one of those closet stories, he came home with his from the Army with a souvenir certificate from the US. Army! Yes it’s such a pleasure to see an elegant weapon in such wonderful shape like yours,
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