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Well, it's been about a year now since the original post, and things are getting a bit slow on this Forum, so I thought I'd revive the "ol Transport Box" topic. I have to tell you guys that this is one of the best accessories I have had the pleasure to purchase. As it turns out, Reidar Daae (BergFlak) completed his research into these mysterious transport boxes and now has firm documentation as to how there were used in WW2. The boxes were used to store MP38's and MP40's in special use vans (like Luftwaffe mobile communications vans). The boxes were designed to be mounted vertically on the wall of the van, thus explaining why the magazine retention strips were placed as they are, to prevent the mags from falling out when opening the box. Same for the trigger/loader swivel bar. Here is a pic of the now completed and filled box. when mounted the barrel of the gun would face down. The reproduction box I bought is of excellent quality and matches the original design almost perfectly. And then of course, is the "way too cool" factor when you walk in the gun store or range and everyone wants to peek inside. The closed box in the lower middle contains a small buffer spring, a firing pin, an extractor and a sear. All per the original load TOE. I've spent time making sure that the WaffenMarks of all the replacement parts and magazines match the gun. In the frame on the lid, the correct fill is a list of box contents, I have not yet recreated that. Instead, I've inserted an original Die Maschinenpistolen war publication which details care and maintenance of the most commonly used German SMG's used at that time.