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Dear forum colleagues,
Like many here, I am a collector and enthusiast of Colt Thompson magunificas!

I've been thinking for a few days now.... What should be the whereabouts of the Thompson with serial number #1986. Is it in a museum? Is it from a collector? Or was it lost? This serial number has nothing special, other than being the year of my birth. But that led me to search...

It was then that I looked at the book Colt Thompson Serial Numbers, by Mr Gordun Herigstag. I was able to find out that Thompson #1986 was originally shipped to Mexico.
However, after being DESTROYED, its pieces would have returned to the USA in the "World Shooters" of Phoenix, Arizona.

I was extremely disappointed to hear that it had been destroyed! And at the same time I was very happy to know that its parts would be in the USA.

I ask you, my forum colleagues... Do you know the whereabouts of this piece? Is the owner of this piece here on our forum?
It would be really cool to be able to see some photos of these weapons. Knowing how she was destroyed... Seeing how she is today.

Thank you very much for everyone's attention



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